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I struggled for a very long time online to earn my first affiliate commission. I jumped from programme to programme believing the latest one is the best.
Till one day!
I watched a YouTube video explaining the “success chain”. This changed everything for me.
Let me explain how the “success chain” helped me to success and how It can help you.
- Decide on a programme to promote - this is the one I use at the moment - where you can build your list and make money at the same time.
- Set yourself a goal. (it must be achievable)
- Get yourself a calendar or use one on your PC/Phone
I suggest your goal to be something like: “one new signup per day”.
Now, the moment you get your first signup you “cross” the date on the calendar and start your chain.
Now you have two goals:
- Getting one signup per day
- Try to not break the chain (everyday must have a “cross” with no “open” days)
Any “open” day will break the chain and you must start from scratch again.
You will not believe how easy it is to run a 30, 60 or 90-day chain. The longer the chain the better the results.
Stay focus and it actually becomes a habit and the results will amaze you.
This is a GREAT start.
I assure you your list will grow and you will start to make money online.
When your list is about 50 – 100 subscribers you can start mailing other affiliate offers to them to increase your earnings and make even more money.
You can view one of the programmes I currently use and decide if you want to use the same or something totally different. It is up to you.
I promise you will have MORE FUN, do MORE GOOD and LIVE A MUCH RICHER LIFE.
Start TODAY and create your OWN success. It is NEVER EVER too late to START.
About Johan Maritz

I struggled as an online Marketer until I start building my list. Now I have an ATM (just send offers to my list and make money) If you serious about "Work from Home and Earn Money" follow me and you will be surprised how easy it is, when you join the right program, build your list and start to Earn online .