Leased Ad Space
All you have to do to make money is get prospects to go to any of the URL's (web destinations) of the referral links shown below. You are free to use any promotion methods you like. The tabs in the bar menu above take you to pages that explain various methods. Visit the Special Access Page for the $357-a-day method.
When your prospects land on our sales page, they enter our fully automated sales system. You don't have to explain anything, ask anyone to buy anything, fill any orders, or train people under you. Our "income machine" handles those tasks while you get the money.
Note: Easy 1-Up, the 4th program is automatically promoted for you by our system, but, unlike the other 3 programs, there is a part that you have to do yourself. Before they pay money join, prospects normally want to talk to someone on the phone. You do not give a sales pitch. A video does the selling. You just have to answer their questions. We supply the answers.
The following 3 things are forbidden. Doing any of them will get you dropped and banned from Free Income Machine membership with no refund due.
- No Spam: You may not have a link to any of our web pages in a spam email or in a spam forum post or blog post. The last section on this page explains this in detail.
- Restrictions On Guaranteed Signups: You are not permitted to have the Free Income Machine as the destination for guaranteed signups. 95% or more of the people who sign up that way will never visit the web site or read an email sent to the list they joined. We do not want them in our database.
Because you can get them at dirt cheap prices in special deals, guaranteed signups can possibly be profitable. You are permitted to use guaranteed signups for our traffic exchange links. You can use them for your own squeeze page provided your page does not lead directly to the Free Income Machine offer. Promote the Free Income Machine in the emails you send to your list. - You may not use the name "Shano DeLeon" at your web site or in a forum post or blog post for the purpose of attracting search engine traffic to your promotion of the Free Income Machine or any of the programs in it.
To me it is unacceptable for a program owner to steal prospects from his own members by making it so prospects can find his website with a search engine and then join the program under him instead of under the member who originally referred the prospect to the program.
To keep that from happening, I do not maintain a social media presence or use my name anywhere to draw prospects in competition with other Free Income Machine members. It follows that I do not let members use my name to draw search engine traffic in competition with each other.
Your Referral Links
The easiest way to make money is to give away membership in the Free Income Machine. You then automatically get paid from the programs in our marketing system.
Use the test on the Profile Page to make sure your username works. It won't work if you didn't follow the rules when you picked it.
Your username is shown in the links below as it is registered, which should be with no capital letters. However, when you promote the links, you are free to use any capitalization you like in the domain names and in your username.
Note: The web address that shows in the address bar of the landing page should not be used as a referral link. You might not get credit for a prospect who was referred by that link.
Click on "View" to view what prospects see.
Main sales page: View
We have two additional links that have different domain names yet take prospects to the same sales page as above. Either of these links might be more attractive in classified ads, print advertising, or postcards.
Alternate links that lead to the same main sales page:
The following sales page promotes the Free Income Machine by first focusing on the amazing income multiplying effect of the Easy 1-Up compensation plan. It uses a story to illustrate how one-time sales are turned into continuous income. It ends up talking about the Free Income Machine marketing system and then sends readers to the registration page, bypassing the main sales page.
Easy Hundreds sales page: View
Referral Links for Traffic Exchange
People who participate in traffic exchange are ideal prospects for the Free Income Machine. They want to make money through internet marketing and are already working toward doing it. By looking at the sales pages of others, they get credit which they then use to get their sales pages viewed by other participants.
People in pay-per-click programs are good prospects too. They get paid for viewing sales pages that they reach by clicking on ads that are shown in a group of several on a page. They want to make money online and are already working at it. They are not necessarily interested in marketing, but can become interested when they see that it can bring them a hundred times more money than they get from viewing sales pages.
Hit exchange is traffic exchange where page views (hits) are exchanged. Ad exchange is a version of that where you view ads and get credit by clicking on an ad and then viewing the sales page that displays. In either case, the participant has to view the page for a set number of seconds in order to get credit for it.
Participants in traffic exchange programs are there to make money, not to buy things. Yet advertising our offer to those excellent prospects can be very profitable when done right. Our traffic exchange page provides more details, but we also have a summary of it here because the links for it are here.
You need a page that loads fast, captures attention, and gets its point across in 8 seconds or less with no scrolling needed. Then whatever else it asks for should not take longer than 15 seconds. If the page has a video, it should not delay page loading and should not run longer than 15 seconds. (If you have one that runs longer, test it against a 15-second one.)
The goal of the page should be to capture the viewer's email address. You can also capture the viewer's name, but asking for it is said to lower response by about 10%. Your 8-second page should offer 1 to 3 benefits and ask the person to submit his email address in order to get the details on them. It helps to also have the page arouse curiosity. It hurts to add branding slogans or advertising hype about the product or program that you intend to promote.
You can build an email list this way. See our list-building page (on the main menu) for details on doing that. Please note that trying to build an email list is a useless endeavor before you develop your email marketing campaign, and that requires a lot of study and a lot of work. Randomly mailing moneymaking or internet marketing offers to an email list from traffic exchange will only bring you spam complaints, not sales.
We have everything set up for you to make money from traffic exchange and PTC programs without building an email list. We have the pages that attract sign-ups. We have the autoresponder account where they sign up. And we have the emails that get them to join the Free Income Machine. We send subscribers up to 4 daily emails until they join, at which time their email address is removed from this list.
You are credited as the sponsor of those members who you refer to any of our email capture pages. When they buy something, the money goes to you according to our compensation system.
Below are the links to our pages for use in hit exchange, *pay-to-click programs, and other cases where prospects see your advertising at a time when they are not open to taking time away from what they are doing. They also can be used for paid guaranteed signups. I do not know if such signups are worth anything, so please let me know the results of any test you run on them.
*For details on pay-to-click programs, see our $357-a-Day page in the Special Access Area.
The links are shown below in two forms. The brown ones are our usual form, which hides the fact that they are affiliate links. But that form does not pass the acceptability test at some traffic exchanges, and TE users do not see the link code anyway. So we have the green version, which is acceptable at all traffic exchanges.
Note: Your username is displayed in the upper right corner of the page to show that you are getting credit. It shows brighter when you put your pointer over it.
Tuscany View
Stormy Field View
Restaurant View View
Plantation View
Mountain Fields View
Big Money View
Traffic exchange programs also display banners and text ads. See our pages for banners and small text ads. I expect that it is more people who click on them within a traffic exchange program are more open to viewing a whole sales presentation, but I do not have test data to back up that suspicion. Please let me know the results of any testing you do regarding sending prospects to our squeeze pages compared to sending them directly to our main sales page from a traffic exchange program.
In some traffic exchange programs, you can send solo ads. (aka solo emails) They are explained on our Paid Traffic page. Click on "Paid Traffic" on the navigation menu.
Your Username Can Affect Results
Your Username is used to log in to the Member Area and to identify you as the referrer when your referral link sends a prospect to our web site. Unless you cloak your links, choose your username with that second function in mind. Consider the impression that prospects get when they see your referral link with your username at the end.
A personal name or nickname or company name tells the prospect that it's an affiliate link. Prospects are a little less likely to click on an affiliate link compared to a link that seems to go directly to the promoted offer.
A username that contains advertising hype (examples: UGetRich, Cash4U.) is likely to reduce response. So does one that is long and easily misspelled or one that mixes "zero's" and "O's" or ones and "l's". A good one is easy to remember, easy to type, easy to spell right and gives the impression of being a website directory name, not an affiliate's name.
You can change your registered username by requesting it from Member Support. First find out if your desired username is available. Click here to check for available usernames.
When you change your username, links containing your old one will no longer work. Changing your username does not affect your membership status or your connection to the members you sponsored.
The username you register with us must contain only numerals and lower case (small) letters or you will not get credit for referrals. When you actually use it in links, you can capitalize any letters you like because we convert what the prospect types into all lower case. That way, you get credit for the referral even when the prospect does not follow your capitalization.
How To Customize Your Whole Link
Our referral links are crafted to look like a straight web address instead of an affiliate link because prospects tend to prefer going directly to the source instead of through an affiliate. That means our links do not contain a question mark and an equal sign. You can still make your link look like an affiliate link by choosing an obvious affiliate username, and many members choose to do that.
When prospects see an affiliate link, some prospects attempt to go around it by leaving off the affiliate username. The three links to our main sales page do not allow that. If there is no username, a page will appear and ask for it, calling it an access code. Our links for traffic exchange do not have that feature because prospects normally do not see and type in those links.
You may prefer to have your own custom link for the Free Income Machine. You can do it by registering a domain name and then redirecting the name to your affiliate link right at your domain name registry.
Or you may like to have your link at your own web site so it looks to prospects like you are sending them to a page on your site. I recommend sending them to a directory instead of a page so you don't have to require ".html" to be on the end of the link. I also recommend sending them to a PHP redirect script instead of an html redirect page. A PHP redirect script executes faster and, unlike HTML source code, cannot be viewed by a browser.
The way to do this is to make a directory at your web site with the name you want your link to have. Domain names are not case sensitive, but directory names are. That means the prospect's capitalization must match the capitalization in the directory name. If you really want to have one or more capital letters in your directory name, do it and then make a second directory of the same name, but with no capital letters in it. That's because some prospects type all letters in lower case all the time. (No capitals.)
Then put an index file in your directory. When no file is named in the URL, the browser loads the index file. If there is no index.html or index.htm, index.php is executed.
You would normally be doing this only for your own squeeze page links and for sending prospects to our main sales page at We have a special file for you to send your prospects to. It sets a cookie on the prospect's computer that keeps track of your username. Then if a prospect doesn't sign up at that time and comes to the website later using just the domain name, the web site reads his cookie and knows that you are the referrer. It then sends him right to the sales page without having to insist that he provide an "access code".
Here's the link to use for that: .
Here's the text for your index.php file:
There should be no empty space above the first line. The best way to get it right is to download index.txt here. Then use a plain text editor such as MS Notepad and change "username" to "kingoftraffic". Then change the file's name from index.txt to index.php and upload it to the directory you've made for it.
As an example, assume that your domain name is "" and your directory name is "fastincome". Then to send prospects to the Free Income Machine sales page, you would give them this URL, "".
To make a live link on a web page, the URL in the tag needs to start with "http://".
How To Promote Additional Offers For Free
The Free Income Machine works very well in combination with other internet marketing. It is designed to work for a wide range of members who have different levels of experience, investment limits, and degrees of ambition. If your main offer is the Free Income Machine, you can benefit by having more things to offer subscribers who sign up on your squeeze page. If your main offer is some other product or program, you can benefit by offering the Free Income Machine to people on your email list and people who exit your squeeze page without signing up.
Following are some pointers to help you do it effectively.
- Do not run separate paid advertising for individual offers that appeal to the same audience. Run only the advertising that gets the best response. Then market your line of products to them. If you wish to market to a more targeted list, you can get such targeted lists for free by offering your subscribers appropriate gifts to entice them to subscribe to your email series that covers their niche interest.
- Do not send prospects to a page that gives them several offers to choose from. We show all the programs in the Free Income Machine on one page because each program has a unique part in our system. Generally, though, when you give prospects various moneymaking programs to choose between at one time, you lower the likelihood of them making any decision at all.
It is much more effective to have your email series introduce your subscribers to only one product or opportunity at a time, explaining how that particular one is the best one of its type. You make the most money by presenting them in the order of their profitability starting with the one that brings you the most income. - When you have a reader click a link to go to a sales page, you will get 2 to 3 times as many sales if you "presell" the product. That means describe the main benefits of the product and add anything you can about your own experience with it. Write it in a way that sounds like you are providing helpful information instead of trying to sell something. Then have a link in your text that goes to the sales page.
If you are not sending prospects to an email capture page before sending them to the Free Income Machine offer, you can still contact each member under you after getting their name and email address from the FIM Member Area. Click the "Your Members" tab on the main menu bar.
To make sure they don't take your email as spam, contact them right after they join. A good subject line is "John, Welcome to the Free Income Machine." Use their own first name instead of "John".
In that email, introduce yourself as their sponsor and say that you would like to help them get started. You can recommend some product or program that works well with the Free Income Machine. But you can't continue to send them emails as if they are a subscriber because they have not given you permission to do so. If you have a subscription form online, offer them a gift or give them some other reason to subscribe to your emails.
No Spamming Allowed
We cannot allow any member to send emails that contain a link to our site and that produce spam complaints. Not only must you not use any spam methods, you must not use careless email methods that cause some subscribers to think they are receiving spam with a link to our web site in it. Your recommendations mean little to your subscribers if you have not trained them to recognize who you are and that they subscribed to your emails.
If you pay someone to send your email message to his list (called a paid solo mailing) use someone who is recommended somewhere other than by his own web site. There are amateurs who charge for mailing to their list when many of the people on their list don't even recognize the mailer and are likely to think the email is spam. I saw one case where the person selling solo email mailing already had his "from" address listed by spam filter services as a spam source.
If you purchase or trade for an email list and mail to it without each person confirming his subscription, your email is spam. It makes no difference how "double opt-in" the seller claims his list is. The email you send to the list is spam. If you get a list like that and add those addresses to your existing list which requires confirmation in such cases, you can send email to the subscribers who confirm without it being spam. In that case, your confirmation request might technically be considered as spam, but it is not likely to be a problem if your email series cleverly introduces you and thanks the person for subscribing.
Mailing to a "safelist" within an email exchange or traffic exchange program is entirely different and perfectly acceptable.
We also forbid having a link to our program in spam forum posts and spam blog posts. Those are posts, usually placed automatically by software, that are made just to get exposure for your signature ad. Such posts have vague comments that could apply to anything being discussed.
Members who promote a link to our web site with spam get their PayPal email address added to our blacklist so they do not get credit for any referrals or any sales. We notify you if we find out about a spam complaint related to your referral link or we see an email message that contains your link and has a false header or lacks a valid unsubscribe link or lacks the physical address required by the USA CAN-SPAM Act. No refund is due you if we determine that you are promoting a link to our web site with spam or you paid some company to promote it with spam.
We must be strict when we get blamed for spam that members send. We do not pay attention to what members do when it doesn't lead to our web site.
About King of Traffic

Hi There it is is very nice to meet my new friends on LeasedAdSpace My name is Brent Walker and I hail from Vancouver Canada. A world wide destination spot to travel and to live. It is very beautiful and I am very lucky to have been raised here. Currently I make my living as a retired person which is hard work some time. I am also editor of a News Websites for Baby Boomers like me. Come read some news.