Million Dollar Passive Income Challenge Journey...Day 3

Published by Lorraine Mugasia — 09-09-2018 08:09:29 AM

I hope by now, you have had a chance to check out the Million Dollar Passive Income Challenge LINK. I needed you to see my journey to BUILDERALL

In my journey to Builderall, I discovered that automation is key. Most of the emails we read have been pre-written in a certain sequence so at to make us buy into the product the emails talk about. And therefore if you do not take time to research on the very product, you may just make an unwise choice.

What tool is used to automate emails? The tool is an autoresponder. This is one of the tools you need once you have picked out a great product like BUILDERALL.



About Lorraine Mugasia


I love to network with people from all over the globe. I am interested in financial freedom and to experience a life of a digital nomad.