Million Dollar Passive Income Challenge Journey...Day 4

Published by Lorraine Mugasia — 09-09-2018 09:09:00 AM

This journey has not been all about making money but also about the state of my inside, the state of my mind. I have learnt from others that have gone before me that it takes the same amount of energy to sell no matter the amount. I was not aware of this. I thought it takes a lot more energy to sell high ticket affiliate products than it does the low ticket. 

I had to shift my way of thinking in a drastic way. I started speaking to myself every morning. I would reverse the lies that have been told to me from the time I could hear-that might be in the womb. Anyone can have anything for as long as you put out the right signal out. Our perceptions and brains can fool us into not venturing into great opportunities.

I joined the Builderall team and Million Dollar Passive Income Challenge Journey so that I can overcome all the negative energy in me and around me by shifting focus. I hope that you will join me.



About Lorraine Mugasia


I love to network with people from all over the globe. I am interested in financial freedom and to experience a life of a digital nomad.