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Published by Alex Kale — 12-13-2019 02:12:15 PM
On these, calls, Adam shared TWO insider methods for generating 4, 5 and even 6 figures in less than 24 hours with the Passive Profits Formula 2.0, including:
The Niche Profit Amplifier, which is a set-and-forget ‘campaign’ that runs every two weeks and generates up to $3,226.73 in additional income per day for EACH website in Adam’s portfolio. And --
The Niche Profit Multiplier, which packs even more firepower than the Niche Profit Amplifier and can easily generate 6-figure LUMP SUM PAY DAYS.
You’ll see the step-by-step process for setting all of this up along with numerous case studies and real-world examples. These techniques are simple, work immediately and take mere minutes to put into play.
In addition, Adam recapped the core PPF 2.0 formula in full in case you missed one of his Early Bird workshops last week.
The replay will be taken down in a little over 12 hours from now, so this is your LAST chance to see it.
>> Watch it in full here before it’s taken offline
About Alex Kale
I am the owner of several websites and do all my best to get profit from them! Usually, it takes much time and effort to make money with a website. So it is always great to get passive income from your websites without any hassle. Soon after I created my account at, I got my first money just for placing ads on my sites. Need I say a word that my profits have increased and I get them every single month. I also get a substantial bonus of up to 80% for my website’s quality. Sign up here: and you’ll be amazed the same as me!