A Social Platform To Promote Your Business

Published by Jonathan Vannieuwkerke — 04-06-2024 03:04:49 PM


In this blog post, you'll discover a great social platform called Cashjuice.

I'll explain you how it works and how to make money.

Happy reading!


I'd like to introduce you to a free platform that has the potential to boost your online business.

We all know how difficult it is to start a new online business from scratch, so this platform is an ideal solution to get you moving in the right direction.


The first thing to do after registering with Cashjuice is to follow the step-by-step plan for setting up your advertising channel.


Tip: Add a profile photo and write a few lines about yourself in your bio. It's very important to show other members who you are and what you can offer them in terms of marketing advice, the services you offer or the field in which you work. It's particularly annoying to see blank profiles, proof of laxity or a complete lack of interest in their own success.

A Social Platform
This is where you can interact with other community members and build your own network of contacts.

Publish posts to promote your business, online opportunities, services etc., post pictures about your hobbies or anything else you want to share. You can follow, comment on and like other people's posts, just like on other classic social networks.

Once you've set up your advertising channel, you'll have access to other free traffic exchange to promote your business and get referrals into Cashjuice.

This is a very important part of your business: without traffic, there'll be no results. I compare it to a car without fuel, it doesn't work.

There's an interesting feature called Post Rotator

You can choose the post you've published to promote your affiliate opportunity or product and show it to the whole community. Configure targeting by country, language...

You earn post rotator credits every time you view other members' posts inside the rotator. These credits are used to promote your posts.

Making Money

Tip: I advise you to upgrade your account as soon as you can to take advantage of all Cashjuice's features.

There is an affiliate program with 2 ways to earn commissions.

You earn 15% on the purchase of subscriptions or services by your referrals.

You also receive a share of the advertising revenue generated on the site when you are active on the site (commenting, liking etc...) and also on the activity of your referrals and their referrals. (Only available when you have purchased your lifetime upgrade, one-off payment of $29.50 and obtained for life)

The ability to compare your results with other League members. Your position is calculated according to various stats (number of clicks on your Cashjuice affiliate link, followers, referrals).

A community of people with a common goal: success.

I highly recommend this site, whether you're a beginner or an expert looking to boost your results.

You'll be able to get inspiration from the success of others who aspire to financial freedom. Build your network, promote your business and more.

I hope you've enjoyed my presentation.

I wish you success, love and prosperity.

Ready to start your journey?


About Jonathan Vannieuwkerke


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