JSE COIN The Future Of Content Monetization

Published by Marie Foulex — 09-08-2018 09:09:07 AM

Own a website? Make more JSE by getting visitors to mine for you

Webmasters can monetize their websites by replacing the role of cryptocurrency miners. An unobtrusive code snippet placed on their site runs in the browser while a visitor is on a website. This provides the hashing functionality required to secure the blockchain. 

Now is a great time to join our beta program and earn some JSEcoins while competition for mining is relatively low. Setup your publisher account, install a code snippet on to your site and you will receive JSEcoins for each user. Can be used with Google Adsense and other advertising systems as an additional revenue stream.

About Marie Foulex


Ange M. Marketing Pasionate Digital Marketer; Crypto Enthusiast, Leads Management, I love helping My team grow. www.angemarie.website