The Power of Text and Banner Advertising to Promote Make Money Online Opportunities

Published by Marty Bostick — 06-10-2021 07:06:57 AM

In this blog post, I will be going over the power of text and banner advertising to promote make money online opportunities on this website. There are many great advertising networks that allow you to buy banner ad space for a very low cost. These can be found by searching "banner ad networks" on Google or Yahoo! And there are also many sites that sell text ads for reasonable prices, but the combined advertising power on can really pack a punch. When combined with your own website content, these two types of advertising can help drive traffic to your site and convert visitors into customers.

- The first type is banner advertisements which usually take up less space than other forms like pop-ups or video commercials so they're more tolerable to the visitor's eye.  With good, contrasting color schemes, the banners can really attract the clicks at times.

  If you have banner advertisements, make sure they're in a prominent place and that the text is easy to read.

- The second type of advertisement is text ads which are usually placed on a sidebar or at the top of the page where people's eyes will be more drawn to them than banner ads. Text ads can have multiple lines with hyperlinks so if someone clicks it, it'll open up another tab for the advertised website within your own site.  With these kinds of banners too, try not to overdo it and keep them concise but still informative enough about what product/service they offer.

- Your best bet when starting out as an online advertiser (or even before) would be to find some networks that specialize in certain hosting banner and text ads so that you can split test them.

You also want to make sure that you keep plenty of advertising credits allocated to each ad so that you can continue serving up impressions 24/7.

Another form of advertising that offers are Login Ads.  These are displayed to the visitor when they first login to the site.  Because they are full page advertisements and the visitor has to view them for at least 10 seconds, conversion rates are generally high with Login Advertisements.

As you upgrade your advertising level within the site, additional credits will be assigned as "Consumable Benefits" that you can use to attain a stronger presence in the advertising onsite.  

Advertising is an important part of any marketing strategy, and the more ads you have on's platform that are visible to members, the higher your chance for increased sales will be. To make sure you’re maximizing this benefit as a member, take some time to read through the advertiser guidebook - it contains tips on how best to advertise across all three areas of the site (individual items listings pages, category directories and home page). 

Keywords: banner ad networks, text advertising, make money online.

About Marty Bostick


So I guess one of the hardest things to do is write about who you are and what you actually do. I mean, it sounds easy, but it actually isn’t when you get down to it. Here goes… My name is Marty Bostick (Martin when I was in trouble as a kid). I’ve been a full-time career IT professional in the database management discipline since 1989, but I’ve been a hardcore entrepreneur and Internet Marketer since the mid 90’s. I currently run a Telegram Group as a Crypto Team Build where I train others on how to earn crypto the right way. You can be part of it as well here: I’m married with three grown kids and three grandkids. I’ve probably done just about every facet of IT work that you could possibly think of and my nickname is to most of my friends is “Nerd Herder” ???? I am also an info-product creator with a few successful product launches under my belt now and always working on the next one.