Leased Ad Space
Mobile ads are an effective way to boost conversions. Most people look at things online using their smartphones. Plus, they use their smartphones to find what they need. When you think of your customers and how they use their smartphone, how can you deliver mobile ads that make a difference in your conversions?
Many companies are starting to go with a "mobile first" ideology because mobile outsells desktop computers and also people carry their mobile devices with them everywhere. Some people have their phones with them 24/7. This gives you unprecedented contact with your audience.
First, let’s look at the ad features that work best on mobile.
The best font size for mobile layouts requires that size become relative to the screen parameters. The ideal size for readers to be able to see everything is 16 pixels. Using relative size, though, helps ensure that the font looks right for any screen. Whether mobile or not, using relative size font helps the user have a better experience.
Choosing whether your advertisement is formal or informal requires that you know your audience. In fact, most of the time you should use both styles. When you consider your mode of communication, use the right style based on the setting and the audience involved for each advertisement.
Content Type
When you develop mobile ads, you’ll need to determine what type of content you want to use in your advertisement. You can choose from banners, native, full screen, video, rich media, and a combination of all the above. As usual, it depends on your audience and your budget. When you look at this choice from your audience’s perspective, it’ll be easier to choose what type of content you want to deliver.
Ad Sizes
There are still different ad sizes that you can use on mobile. Full screen or interstitial ads tend to perform better and have higher conversion rates than other sizes of ads. You can deliver in-context ads, and another above-the-fold high-converting size of 300 x 250 will work great too.
Getting interaction with your mobile ads is an important way to improve conversions. One way to do that is to deliver an advertisement that gives a potential reward for watching, or a sign-up form that offers your audience to "spin" for a prize.
Choosing the right content type and the right ad format requires that you study your audience, understand the benefits you offer them, and keep up-to-date on what is new and emerging about mobile advertising. Every day a new ad format is developed. Rewarded ads, playable ads, and more are all being developed to help you get a higher return on investment.
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About Johannes Van Dijk

Hello Marketing Friend, If you are serious about marketing your business and haven't tried LeasedAdSpace yet, what are you waiting for? Click on the top left hand corner where it says "LeasedAdSpace" and sign up for free today. Your first traffic package is only $7!! I am committed to helping others grow their business using new online marketing strategies. Two marketing strategies that I have in my profile here are mlmgateway and globalmoneyline. The links are in the bottom left hand corner of my profile page. You can also watch the intro video that I have posted here as well for globalmoneyline. TAP members recommend LAS I am also an Independant Representative of TAP. If you want more information about TAP you can open up a new tab on your browser and copy and past this Link >>> <<< If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please don't hesitate to send me an email. All the best to your success. Martin van Dijk TAP members recommend LAS