Working with Eric Abbott | Rotator Club Daily Report - 8/9/29

Published by eric abbott — 08-09-2019 11:08:35 AM

Daily Progress

Hey guys! So I decided to make our team reports here on my personal blog in LeasedAdSpace - It will not only share with you guys the tool you can use but also share with the rest of the world how well we work together and allow them a glimpse of the inside of our team.

Daily Goals

So every day, I will send you guys an email update with the posts of how we are doing in daily campaigns, along with daily video reports. Some days I take days off but I will try to at least make a short post unless I am just out of town or busy with personal life stuff.

We have been growing and making HUGE progress this week. I wanted to share with how our system will work to get everyone their first sale on AIOP for the new members to break even as quickly as possible.

How we help get your first sale quickly.

In these daily reports and emails, we will be plugging our team information to our email leads interesting in what we are doing, or through the blog posts for readers. We will then take turns sharing your AIOP link within the Rotator Club marketing system.

And we will keep you in progress with the number of hits we are getting to our splash pages, a number of new subscribers that we will be sharing your links to, and places we are promoting at to make those results happen.

The goal is to make the number of clicks go up for your links each week, the more numbers of clicks and visits your page gets within the rotator, the higher the chances become that you will get a new signup in your AIOP rotator.


To achieve long term growth, we have worked hard to make you many tutorial videos to setup the AIOP Rotator Club marketing system, which I share in this video. - It is up to you to educate yourself and work hard to build YOUR business.


Todays Video (8/9/2019)

About eric abbott


This member hasn't told us anything about themselves yet! Encourage them to do so!