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Prediction: 2028 Nobody will need to make any money
Published by Michael Anthony — 04-16-2019 03:04:19 PM
In the freezing winter of 1928, John Maynard Keynes
wrote a short essay about the "possibilities for our
He estimated that by 2028, the standard of life would
be so improved that no one would even have to worry
about making any money.
He figured we'd all be working just about 3 hours a
day, max, and he said: even that would be more than
was actually necessary.
Even with the technology and advancements back in 1928,
he saw everything new coming out, machinery, mass
production, electricity and so forth...
And he just knew we'd all be living the 15 hour work week.
We're not too far from that date right now, and I'd
venture to say that technology, and what we as mankind
have accomplished since 1928, is far past what old
John could have ever imagined.
But how are we doing on that work thing?
Do we feel underworked?
Do we have so much free time that we don't know
what to do with it?
I'd say far from it!...
A lot of people are living the 15 hr. work DAY rather
than the 15 hr. work week.
Most of us are OVER-whelmed, OVER-worked,
and UNDER-paid.
Sadly, Mr. Keynes was far off the mark for the
lifestyle of the masses.
However, you can choose not to be a part of the
Because he was, tools, and other
things that provide us massive leverage are now
at our finger tips and easier to use than ever
before in history.
Countless individuals DO live a lifestyle like he
predicted... Just not the masses.
This is the exact reason so many people come onto
the internet.
They want better...
A better lifestyle...
For themselves...
For their family...
And they don't want to wait till they're 65 or older to get
In OnPassive, we've got members that range all age groups,
young and old, worldwide, all experience levels, brand spanking
new, and "Smart" Industry veterans...
And they're all attracted to this beautiful business model
because of the ability it gives them to earn very large
commissions with minimal effort.
And guess what?
Many of these guys are working less than 3 hrs a day.
All while their income and bank account grows.
How so?
It's not some easy push button software.
It's what they now OWN.
They have access to a system, a real team of people
working around the clock closing deals and getting
big commissions FOR THEM.
It's truly awesome and very powerful...
Check it out, you've earned this!
Take care,
Mike J Anthony
P.S. “Unsuccessful people make decisions based on their current situation while successful people make decisions based on where they want to be.”
About Michael Anthony

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