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Despite what you may believe, want, or even hope, making a living online will be one of the most challenging things you ever do.
Friends who mean well will tell you to quit… your work colleagues will laugh at you… and some 'haters' may even try to actively stop you from succeeding.
And that's not even the worst of it.
Because your own mind will even plot against you.
When you're on the cusp of making a $5k sale… mastering a new traffic source… or creating a new business connection... your fears, hang-ups, and destructive self-beliefs will whisper…
“You can't do this…why are you even trying?!”
Of course that's untrue. Your mind is a liar. A very convincing liar, but a liar nonetheless.
And that's why when anyone asks me what they need to do to make more money online, I always say:
"Start with your mindset."
It may seem esoteric or weird, but the fact is, without the belief that you can improve your life and financial situation, you never will.
But when you 'turn the corner' and start believing in your ability to make five, six, or even seven-figures commissions, the sky's the limit.
You may be thinking, "That sounds great - in theory - but I tend to get down on myself. How can I make a practical change in my mindset?"
I totally understand. I wasn't always a positive person and I didn't always make a great living online.
So today I'd like to share with you three simple tips you can use today to unlock your ‘millionaire’ mind.
#1: Spend time with positive people
Positivity is infectious. So, read more positive books, watch more positive shows, and most importantly, surround yourself with positive people.
Jim Rohn famously said you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. So, if you want to earn six or seven figures a year, spend time with people who are also successful in business.
#2: Keep a journal of negative thoughts
Reducing negative self-talk starts with awareness. Think about it. How can you stop the negative thoughts that limit your success if you're not even aware you're thinking them?
So, start writing them down. It seems counter-intuitive, but by noting your negative self-talk you'll actually reduce it over time.
#3 Commit to a path
You'll never be successful if you're constantly changing the goal posts.
You can't have the goal of making more money online one day and then wake up the next excited about the idea of opening a waffle shop.
Switching goals doesn't make any sense and you'll just end up spinning your wheels.
If you want a life of freedom where you make thousands a day, commit to it. Find a system that works and put your ALL into it.
Our positive community of leaders is working with Blockchain Technology as our system to generate digital rewards on a daily basis in many of the world's most valuable markets. You'll want to check this out:
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Mike J Anthony
About Michael Anthony

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