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How I Made My First $20,000 Online and What Id Do Differently...
Published by Michael Anthony — 01-29-2018 01:01:39 PM
It's been a long road an I am still learning, growing, and building on this journey.
It is a journey too. This is NOT about getting rich quick. That would be nice but it is not reality for most of us. Also, there is a lot more I need to learn first.
That's why I'm looking for people, just like me, who want something better in their lives rather than dealing with the same old grind for the rest of their lives.
People who are willing to grind it out building a business for the future rather than building the dreams of their present employer, who is only going to fire them someday.
Even if you are comfortable at your job right now, that is only temporary.
As Darth Vader would say, "Search your feelings. You KNOW this to be true!"
Then the question becomes, "HOW do you earn a legitimate income online?"
That lead me to trying many things. Some of which I am not so proud of but I didn't know any better.
I tried things from selling ebooks to so-called income "cyclers" to revenue sharing programs, loopholes, and search engine strategies, that are there one day and gone the next.
I tried everything except building a real business online.
So after trying for many years to make some sort of income online, I started to go to live events to get some perspective on what others were doing to succeed.
I realized I needed to build a real business that is legitimate and long term so I don't have to keep jumping from program to program.
I realized that THIS is what I need to focus on, especially with all the crap that's floating around out there online, that's real easy to get sucked into but ends up only wasting your time and money.
I eventually realized through experience that you really need a few things to make job-killing income online.
You need something to sell online. Yes, I know you don't like to sell...but you wont have to personally do the selling yourself in what I will show you. I'm not talking about door-to-door sales here or even picking up the phone.
You need a system that can automate the hard, tedious stuff....believe me, you don't want that kind of headache and costs. Without this automation, you'd only be exchanging one job for another and NOT building a real business that will eventually work for you.
You need a system that can do the selling for you and also follow up with your leads.
Only when I started to focus on a system like this, did I finally start making real money online.
Before I started using this system, I never made more than $300 in a single year, but I spent thousands. Last year, in 2017, I not only went over $10,000 for the first time online, I went over $20,000.
This is what I would have done from the start had I known. I wasted so much time chasing shiny objects that could have been spent building a real business.
But I didn't know what I didn't know. And now I have a system in place where you do not have to waste anymore time. You do not have to go on an endless search for the right business model.
I want to show you a high margin, high ticket business model, that does the selling for you. This system does almost everything for you and it is a real tax-deductible business, which you should have anyway.
Why? Because you can write off a lot of things that you cannot when you don't own a business of some kind. Things like half your internet access and cell phone bills, computer equipment, advertising costs, all business costs, and so on...
All these things can be written off your taxes when you own a business. So you might as well get one started as soon as possible. Why, you might ask? Because the tax laws were written for business owners and investors, not for employees or self-employed.
Stop building the dreams of others and start working on building your own dreams. The only way to do that is by owning a business.
Here is where to register and get all the info on this awesome business system:
Mike J Anthony
About Michael Anthony

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