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I recently had an exchange with a freebie-seeker, who didn’t know he was one, that came into one of my MOBE event promotions and left a comment of how what I was promoting was a “scam”. Of course, he had no intelligent response on why it was a scam.
But wait, he did post a link to some lady in a video giving her opinion on why she believed it was a scam, as if that was a fact, and we should all listen to that!
Let me ask you a couple things:
Starbucks coffee is the best on Earth, fact or opinion? That is an OPINION, not a fact!
Apple is the worst company on Earth, fact or opinion? That is another OPINION, not a fact, yet many people believe both of these things.
So if you believe the worst of these companies, does that make either one of them a scam? Nope! It does NOT! Like them or not, they operate legally, just like MOBE does.
I don’t think he thought I was going to respond, but when I did, I laid into him, so the first thing I told him was not to post negative comments on my thread and try to pass them off to everyone as fact when it was indeed just some strange person’s opinion.
I stated that I could dispute every single thing this woman said in her video and she is lucky if she does not get sued for slander.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion but don’t pass that crap off as fact when it was not even close to the truth…and this person could not even explain themselves as to why they listen to such things.
I invited him to go elsewhere, without the negative posting, and he responded again. So I pressed further. He was not ignorant about his own responses himself so we continued to have a small, and fairly polite, exchange. But I was soon able to tell that he had other issues than something being a scam or not.
About Michael Anthony

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