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LAS Blogs: Micheline Gauthier
About Micheline Gauthier

Positive, spiritually-grounded mom of 5 building a profitable business online helping others create the life of their dreams using simple, proven systems and strategies. The only limit is OURSELVES. When we believe that we can - We can DO ANYTHING!! Let me help you discover your own talents and develop a strategy to set you free, Financial Freedom, Time Freedom and Travel Freedom can be yours if you'll spend a few years doing what MOST WON'T, so you can live the REST OF YOUR LIFE like OTHERS CAN'T
Trial & Error - Persistence Beats Resistance
Published on 06-05-2017 03:06:05 PM by Micheline Gauthier
Have you ever tried to teach yourself something? I remember when I was kid, we couldn't afford a piano but we'd often visit people who DID and I would always ask if I could play. They'd let me tap out little songs that I loved and I would have to sound out the right notes until I found the
... (continue reading →)The Cure for MS MUST be found - Why it's So Important to me!!
Published on 04-06-2017 06:04:20 PM by Micheline Gauthier
Multiple Sclerosis Research has always been near and dear to my heart but recently it has been dominating my thoughts...let me explain.
Growing up as a child from a broken home in the 70's, I was the odd duck in my school. People didn't divorce in those days. EVERYONE had a mom AND dad in
... (continue reading →)What's made Mimi who she is todayI??
Published on 03-31-2017 08:03:46 PM by Micheline Gauthier
Have you ever noticed that when you really want something, I mean REALLY WANT SOMETHING and you have to wait for it for a long time. The anticipation of having it becomes greater than the actual having it in the end.
What I find helpful in the meantime is to create smaller steps
... (continue reading →)Scammers, Liars and Thieves, Oh My!!
Published on 03-27-2017 09:03:43 PM by Micheline Gauthier
The Internet is full of shucksters, scammers and outright liars and thieves!
Just like the real world.
It’s a tricky world online and off!
Are there people you can trust?
Yes, of course.
They key rule of thumb is to practice due diligence, take
... (continue reading →)Patience & Respect for how fast time goes by when we're not paying attention.
Published on 03-18-2017 04:03:46 PM by Micheline Gauthier
What an awkward thing to learn. As I watch my children growing up, I'm constantly reminded of just what a challenge it is to delay gratification.
... (continue reading →)The Ultimate Solution For Struggling Marketers
Published on 03-16-2017 07:03:32 PM by Micheline Gauthier
If you're building a business online maybe you've tried a number of things but with little to no success.
Does that mean you pack it in?
Just give up?
I sure hope not!
Because you CAN be successful.
You may need to learn new skills, or do things that
... (continue reading →)Short & Sweet
Published on 03-07-2017 09:03:13 PM by Micheline Gauthier
So I decided to build a network online. I've had many circles of close friends in my life, when I was a child I had a huge circle of kids I went through grade school with. Fond memories of most of them (?)lol
Then there were my high school friends who again were a great
... (continue reading →)I Signed Up To Earn $$$ Online, Now What??
Published on 02-25-2017 11:02:06 AM by Micheline Gauthier
How many different pitches, systems and businesses have you signed up for to try to build an extra income online but were left somewhat to your own devices to figure it out, with broad statements about getting eyeballs on your offer, promoting your "links" etc.
To someone just getting
... (continue reading →)Honesty in Marketing? Seriously??
Published on 02-23-2017 02:02:40 PM by Micheline Gauthier
Have you ever gone to a store, or car dealership, travel agent or watched a commercial on tv and hesitated because the salesperson is overbearing, or pushy and it changed your whole idea about your purchase?? Of course, you have. There really is nothing worse than a desperate seller.
... (continue reading →)Taking Care of Self
Published on 02-13-2017 04:02:27 PM by Micheline Gauthier
Seems simple enough but as an entrepreneur it’s easy to get so caught up in our careers that we may overlook some integral things that could have severe negative consequences on both our health, our mental capacity.
How’s that, you ask??
Well I’ve been so preoccupied with
... (continue reading →)