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The biggest SCAM known to mankind is the belief that - in order to become “successful”, you must go to school and get a degree. ?
But is the success really defined by any of the following?
? Going to school...
? Getting a degree (racking up debt in the process)...
? And getting a job…
Only to spend half of your life paying off that debt?
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it’s stupid.” - Albert Einstein.
The educational system has a “one size fits all mentality.” This mentality has only served to suffocate our creativity over time. Turning us to robots.
But that’s a conversation for another day.
You see, most people cannot afford to pay their way through college. So they:
? Borrow money from HIGH-Interest BANKS.
? Drain their parents entire savings...
? Put their parents in debt!
? Slave away at some odd job - fighting hard to make minimum payments on their loans!
In the hope that it’ll payoff after they get their degrees.
Then after we get our degrees? We’re told to:
Get a ‘good paying’ job.
Save part of our pay (the part that the IRS doesn’t raid first).
Then put that money into savings accounts (with interest rates that don’t even keep up with inflation).
They tell us to invest into 401Ks (Managed by someone else).
Here’s the problem: Getting Truly RICH under these RULES is Mathematically Impossible.
The sad thing is, most of us have been convinced by our teachers, the media, friends, family etc - to subscribe to this kind of thinking.
You see, this is all a ploy designed by ‘The Man’ to keep people poor and dependent on him.
So they keep working hard their entire lives just to keep their heads above water.
We try to justify this by saying things like ‘With an economy like this, I’m just grateful to have a job.’ We somehow think you either have to be born with riches or get extremely lucky.
Look, if you’re happy with living this kind of lifestyle, that’s on you. But for those who are looking for a way out.
I have GREAT news for you!
While it’s somewhat true that it was a little difficult to get rich in the past. I’m here to tell you that right now, it couldn’t be EASIER. The Internet has levelled the playing field. It’s no longer necessary to start off rich or become extremely lucky.
Now that this has been exposed as a scam.
The only thing that’s necessary to become rich in this day and age, is to forget the wrong messages we learned in school, the media, etc. We need to stop depending on employment to make us wealthy.
We can generate income for ourselves with the work we already do, only this time, as Entrepreneurs ?.
Which brings me to the FREE Book I want to share with you right now!
FREE BOOK: ➡➡ ⬅⬅
This book outlines EXACTLY how my friend went from being an EMPLOYEE to an ENTREPRENEUR. It’s a great book that can help people break out of the poverty mindset taught in schools.
FYI, the guy who wrote it couldn’t make a dime online when he was starting out over 15 years ago. But since then, he’s made over $200 million using the strategies covered in this book.
The author is a close friend.
Over those years, he interviewed 50 Millionaires and 5 Billionaires. Only to find out they all did the SAME things!
He outlines them all in this book and it’s FREE! All you have to do is cover the shipping.
Get this book FREE - just cover the shipping.
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About Munesh Kumar

Hi, I am Munesh full-time Online Marketer. I love to promote other people products. I am getting massive profits from my cash pool. Do you want to know how I have earned my dream Car? This is the link.