Leased Ad Space
Instant 3 Ways To Break PAST The Itty Bitty Commission Habit
Published by Jonathan Weberg — 04-12-2017 06:04:33 PM
In yesterday's critical email I covered the fact
the small tiny and itty bitty commissions
Don't work anymore!
As you've probably experienced, and have seen,
programs that pay out wimpy commissions...
1. Don't convert very well. Which means more work
for you!
2. Don't build a big enough income.
You're stuck
promoting more and more wasting precious time!
3. Don't have an exciting offer. Simply building a
program is never fun, you have to be able to have
a good time
and be a part of a team. And grow of course!
And don't you worry..
I used to be in the exact same shoes you are in!
Making little dinky commissions, now I make well
over $4,000 a month, from only one program!
(According to statistics and multiple case studys.
Only 95% of marketers make over $10 a month)
So how do you break those nasty little commissions
1. Find a program that pays out big ticket
This way you can ensure you'll receive hundreds
and sometimes thousands of dollars
2. Become a part of a team.
You'll be certain it's a sure thing with a team
that has a proven track record
and proof of sales.
3. Make sure the owner has had a sure track record
over time.
You want to know the person, and have seen them
produce results before.
And that's exactly how, you are able to decide
what you want to become a part of.
The team myself and my dad Richard Weberg have
created as an example,
we have personally referred over 60 paid members,
and have made well over $4,000
in less then 2 months!
How did we do it???
We have taught, and use ourselves, the process of attracting not just leaders,
but those who want to produce results RIGHT NOW.
We've proven our sales record, obviously through
YourEightSteps, Marketing Mastery, Leased Ad Space, and through much more.
And that's why we've been able to break past our itty bitty commissions stage to the
big dino-soar level commissions stage.
Go ahead and take a peak at the video below I just made covering how much we've made
in commissions (a.k.a. PROOF), and how to commission structure works for our team.
P.S. Congrats to Donald Ducharme for becoming a part of our team today!
With my kindest regards,
John Weberg
About Jonathan Weberg

Jon is an American entrepreneur, top 1% consultant, & business master. By the age of 23, he is a 2X self-published author & helped clients in the SaaS, Ecommerce, Agency, & 2 dozen + industries. Widely considered a leading profit and scaling expert. He spends his time to help entrepreneurs scale their business profitably without outside capital.