Hungry For Hits Real Review

Published by Jacqueline Mart — 03-15-2017 01:03:55 AM

So you are surfing along in a traffic exchange and you see it. AGAIN! You know, that red ad with the giant sandwich an a bunch of fruit and bacon. The ad that makes you drool and get hungry every time you see it. That ad that looks something like this...

After the five thousand and umteenth time you finally give in and join. What you find within its digital walls is beyond anything you may have seen before. Ok, you may say that "a traffic exchange is a traffic exchange." But is it really? What if there was a TE with a unique personality beyond anything seen before?

A FUN personality, yet one that also is effective in bringing you results to your ads and offers that you post within its tasty halls. I have been a member of Hungry For Hits pretty much since when it first opened. Have I been impressed? YES! Below are some things I have experienced as a member...

  1. Enjoy a sandwich snack every 50 pages! Each time you get to taste you have a chance of winning tasty bits of banner ad impressions, text ad impressions, manual surf credits, or even between $0.01-$0.05 real CASH to your commissions account! If you are brave you can take a few more bites to get more. But be careful, if you eat too much you could explode and DIE and lose everything! But its okay, Doctor Klara is there with treatment in case you eat too much.
  2. Snack On Bonus Bites as you surf! This feature is apparently annoying to some sour grapes. For me its a bit of attentive fun. This is basically bits of food that fly across your screen at random as you surf. You could win banners, credits, impressions, or again, CASH each time you click a snack. Be sure to grab the ones you can get while you can though, I am always there in the chat with my shotgun shooting at snacks while I surf. If you see some dork with a shotgun in the chatroom yelling "APPLES!!!" or "BACON!!!" every little while, that would be me! :) The best part of Bonus Bites is not only are they entertaining, they get you to actually PAY ATTENTION to ads in the surfbar. I have joined many an offer while surfing because of an orange or something I click on that's near a word or picture that gets my attention on the ad below. I have also received many a signup to MY offers there because of this ONE feature!
  3. Speaking of the chat: Those of us who hang out here are more than just surfers. We are a family. Each one of us brings something awesome to the table while we eat, play, and surf together. Prepare for fun, shits, and shenanigans = surfing is never boring here! Look for the username "Aidan". That would be me. Shall we chat sometime?
  4. You can easily make $0.15+ per day in CASH here! Surf 3,000+ pages and win the "face the opponent" contest and you can make a nice $0.17-$0.20+ per day! Spending cash anyone?
  5. Active Database: With the sites fun features who would NOT surf here? Your credits never just sit there, you surf and they are GONE fast! You buy credits and they are gone fast! You need traffic from a manual traffic exchange? Hungry For Hits is where you need to be advertising. Period!
  6. You Will Actualy GET SIGNUPS For Your Offers! Due to the site being not only fun and fast moving, I tend to get signups for whatver I am promoting quickly and easily. You are not here surfing for what excuse now?

In closing, Klara (the admin) has created a site that is not only fun, but effective in advertising. Its rare, if ever, that a site has both of these features at once, Usually the site is fun to surf at but brings no advertising value (so distracting you see the fun but not the ads). Or its all advertising and never any fun. You may get better signups there, but its boring to participate. And participation is how the traffic is generated in the first place.

Ready To Get Snacking On Fresh Leads? CLICK HERE TO JOIN HUNGRY FOR HITS NOW!

-Jacqueline Mart CFMW

About Jacqueline Mart


Hi There!!!!!! :D