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Isn't it amazing how we can go through each day and not recognise the beautiful things around us...the sun, the trees, the clear blue sky, the grass....especially when we are working our business.
Sometimes we are so much on the go, we forget to stop and just appreciate everything around us. I had one of those moments today while out running errands striving to check off every task on my list. Then it came to me--your business is on auto pilot so why are you rushing to get back home.....great question.
So instead, I enjoyed the rest of my day.
Now, If you struggle with feeling like you haven't accomplished something daily, here are 3 activities that have helped me keep things on track with the business:
1. PRODUCTIVITY requires planning ahead.
You must clearly define what income producing activities you are going to work on even before you start your day or week. Give yourself some time to think and brainstorm about the activities required for you to accomplish your goals for the week. I tend to take Sunday evening for about an hour or two to map out my activities for the week. As you complete each day, revisit to ensure you are on track to accomplish what you have set out to do for the week.
This way your time is accounted for and you don't have to worry or wonder what to do next.
2. DISCIPLINE is key when targeting to meet your goals.
Once you know what your goal for the day is, start carving out the detail steps required to achieve it.
Don't worry about what you may not know. Just key in on what activities are required to execute to help meet your goals. Just continue to work through your steps with discipline no matter what and you will achieve your goal for the day.
3. FOCUS - Follow One Course Until Success.
Yes...Focus. When you allot time for each step you need to stay focus. It'll help you avoid distractions and then a ripple effect of momentum will occur for you. It'll be like skiing downhill. WHOA.
Practice Productivity, Discipline and Focus. With every new day, you will be able to celebrate each milestone you hit. Just do these 3 things to kick off your week and you will see a difference in your business.
Here is a marketing system that I use to bring automation to my life so I can end my day knowing I've accomplished my daily goals. Head over to check out this free marketing system and the three streams of income it can generate for you-- WifiWealth System.
Let's Go....
About Gwendolyn Brown

Thanks for viewing my blog. I'm a wife, mother and friend to many! Corporate Boss to Mom Boss Simply Changing More Lives Daily sharing Proven Strategies to escape the 9 to 5! I love traveling, reading, singing, and volunteering my time to service those in need. At the end of the day, being a lifetime learner and lifetime giver has been priceless! ====>