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Have you ever dreaded Mondays.......
I remember when my stomach would to be in knots Sunday evening thinking about all the work I was getting ready to face Monday morning beginning with the rush traffic, the 1000 emails to catch up on and action, double deadlines to meet, all the conference calls needed to be conducted in different time zones, the communications that had to be written and delivered in timely manner, phone calls to catch up on, finding solutions for clients and customers, etc. all in 8 hours and don't even think about being sick, I just knew everything would fall into a dark hole.
Wow. As I look back now, it was preparing me for my WHY and grooming me for my future; my legacy--multi-tasking, time management, discipline, structure, etc. I am so grateful and thankful to wake up Mondays renewed and ready for the pace, setting my hours, deciding my priorities, what I want to do for the day, etc. Such a great feeling and position to be in.
I'll tell anyone, when YOU do what you LOVE and love what you do, you can work 12 hours at it and it will feel like you've had 8 hours of sleep. lol.
Your PASSION can bring you such a fulfillment plus CREATE your PAYCHECK. It's truly a WIN WIN and absolutely a BLESSING.
If you are willing to invest in yourself and put at least half the work you're willing to put into a job, you can make it happen.
If you desire a change, start planning activities around your existing schedule to...Make it Happen for your future.
When you do something you've never done, you will get everything you've never had. YOU are so worthy of step at a time
P.S. I decided at the last minute to catch the last day of the Auto Show Monday. I hadn't been in years. Choices. ☺
This is why I LOVE working from home....
About Gwendolyn Brown

Thanks for viewing my blog. I'm a wife, mother and friend to many! Corporate Boss to Mom Boss Simply Changing More Lives Daily sharing Proven Strategies to escape the 9 to 5! I love traveling, reading, singing, and volunteering my time to service those in need. At the end of the day, being a lifetime learner and lifetime giver has been priceless! ====>