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Online shopping will no doubt be a whole new changed scenario post the global pandemic situation all over the world. People used to love shopping online and are no doubt currently even looking for some options for day to day essentials or just to buy rakhi online. But they are sceptical about a lot of factors while shopping online, these days. Factors like what if the delivery guy is already affected? Or the option of COD chucking out through these times, etc. Earlier there used to be an easy substitute of going out to do offline shopping but nobody is gonna take that risk, now. As experts have advised not to go outdoors in person, so we willingly or unwillingly many of us are stuck with only one option of coming back to square one - online shopping. The fear shared across such times is mutual. That is precisely why each and every online store that is offering its delivery services is to ensure no contact delivery and sanitised products, among many other such preventive measures.
Pertaining to the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) these are a few things to keep in mind if you are planning to shop for a gold rakhi or some XYZ commodity online. Stay safe! Stay Aware!
Keep a distance of at least 6 ft from the delivery guy, not just for your safety but also for his. Remember - we are in this together! Right?
Wear a mask as and when you go out to pick up your delivery. Also, make sure to cover your nose and mouth with a mask or any clean cloth properly.
Do not accept the delivery if the delivery guy is not wearing the mask. Report to the store immediately.
Wear gloves to avoid touching any affected person or place. Although the risk is pretty low still our motto will be to eliminate all the risks.
If you stay in an apartment and the deli8very guy has brought all the deliveries for the location all at once, it might lead to a bit of a crowded situation. Avoid that. Keep a distance of 6ft each from all such people. You can cooperate and urge everyone to be in a queue following the social distancing norms.
Sanitise before and after picking up the parcel from the delivery guy.
Do not touch your eyes, nose, mouth or face while outside or after touching the parcel. Make sure to return home, sanitise the parcel along with your hands, wash your face and then you are free to touch any of these organs.
Try to make the payment online by choosing any of the available payment gateways to avoid the exchange of cash or card. Make sure you make payment with some recognised gateways only and do not let your translation-related details out to anyone.
Wash your hands after keeping the parcel away and sanitised from you for about 20 seconds.
If you got some groceries ordered then rinse all of them under running water.
Although, you can check the app for the temperature and the necessary related information, but you can always double-check his pulse oximeter and thermometer gun readings yourself.
So, these were some of the precautions that one needs to take at this hour of crisis. To fight this deadly virus, we need to be safe, aware and make others aware of all the necessary precautions. Don’t just know all of these precautions, rather take them as well and inculcate each and every member/ friend of yours to even take it. Together we all can bring back those good, old carefree days!
About Deepa Singh

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