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Hello friends! Hope today has been a blessing for you!
Fortunately, I get two days off a week from work. Usually it's the catch up with housework or run errands all day. Today, I had the rare opportunity to actually watch a movie, but first a quick backstory. I am Gen-X and a big fan of 80's movies. One such movie was Ghostbusters. So, today I get to finally watch Ghostbusters: Afterlife. The real Ghostbusters storyline. Great movie! Oh my goodness. The callback to the OG (Original Ghostbusters), new storyline, new faces, OLD faces...It was just a nice homage to my yesteryears. Harold Ramis (Egon), as you may know, passed away in 2014. Oh the heartbreak for the Gen-X kid at heart. So I was absolutely curious how they were going to play that out. It was...PERFECT! So, with how it was all wrapped together, yeah, I shed a tear or 9. I knew I was going to feel sentimental about this kind of nostalgia, but, DANG, they could have warned me I was going to cry like that! In a good way!
I don't consider the other Ghostbuster movie as part of the real storyline because it ended up being a reboot and nothing to do with the two other GB movies. I also can't criticize the movie because I have not watched it for said was a reboot. Not many reboots hold up.
So that was my day today, washing laundry, watching a movie, crying about the movie and telling all y'all that I cried. I'm not ashamed to say it. It was a darn good movie! 5 out of 5 stars-a must see! Especially if you're a Gen-Xer or anyone who watched Ghostbusters...
Have a blessed day!
Nathan Wheeler
P.S. I JUST started working on another project. One that I have not even created any content for yet (its that new), but here is the link. It falls in the health/wellness field so if you are looking for nutrition, life coaching, finance education, audio and e-books or even the opportunity to earn as you go!
About Nathan Wheeler

Hello, my name is Nathan Wheeler and I welcome you to my profile :) I am married with 4 kids, 1 grandson, 2 dogs and 2 cats. I have only been doing online marketing for a little over a year and still learning my way around. One of the things I hope to do is pass on information that may lead to success of my fellow man (or woman). I do work full time as a Corrections Officer so along with that and online marketing any accidental free time will be spent outside. I will either be just hanging around the campfire or fishing. As stated earlier, I have the grandson and he currently takes up about 90% of my pictures and videos. This is why I am passionate about the opportunity presented in my profile. It is such a piece of mind and also a wonderful income opportunity I couldn't pass up. If you have that "I'd die if I lost this picture", then certainly what I am offering is absolutely for you!! Looking forward to hearing from you and even share some stories and laughs along the way! Nathan :) The video is another reason I need to back up my data with GotBackup....