Leased Ad Space
The way this payplan is structured it is a subscription of
$20.00 a month that gives you an advertising platform to use to build this business OR
any other business you are trying to build.
What this twenty bucks does is then place you in a 2x20 matrix where you do not have
to recruit people. Because of the number of people we have in this matrix YOU will make
money even if you don't recruit....there are NO requirements to make money...NOW
if you want to recruit you will be able to double, triple or quad triple your income.
Check out the video about the payplan here:
Get ready for one awesome year....2021 here we come....
About Connie Schaeffer

Been working online in MLM Marketing since 2009 until the program was dissolved because to the cost to update the website to a secure website. The admin now trades Crypto in a private group.