

Nick Grimshawe

Contact Info

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Skype - ngrimshawe

Facebook - nick.nicholasgrimshawe

Twitter - ngrimshawe

Location - London Ontario Canada

Join Date - 2016-09-15

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About Me

My passion is to help people reach beyond what they feel capable of to achieve success in business and in life. I love that one on one time with people, love to share the lessons from my own experience, and help people institute daily practices that are the backbone of success.

I jokingly refer to myself as a late bloomer. At the age of 57 I found myself in a job that I didn’t like. And my plan B of building a successful downline in an MLM crashed and burned around me leaving me in one of those dark moments of the soul. I felt truly lost like I’d been washed up on a beach with no way forward.

That began a search that dramatically change my life. Through a series of “coincidences” I discovered my purpose which gave me the strength, will and fortitude to change myself.

This lead me to focus on not just the nuts and bolts of working online but on systems and process that would help others succeed.

Learn with Nick a membership program I designed to help people maximize the use of Click Track Profit resulted from that passion and taught me so much about stepping out and doing things that make me feel uncomfortable.

Since then I’ve created a show called “Getting Out from Between the Lines” to encourage people to find ways to think beyond conventional thinking. I produce a video series called “A Dream Building Minute with Nick Grimshawe”, built two blogs, Beautiful Summer Morning around inspiring others, and my internet marketing blog, created a business pages on Facebook. I’ve conducted online seminars on Writing Your Purpose Statement and How to Create Your Huge Dream.

I’ve also facilitated live workshops on the topic of Law of Attraction here in my home city of London Ontario. I am also a Board Member for Unity of London, a vibrant spiritual community here. I also serve as a Prayer Chaplain, and am the Sacred Service co-ordinator working with those who volunteer their time and talent to our community.

As a late bloomer I look forward to a long a prosperous second career by helping you find your success.

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Checkout My Writing!

Hey, thanks for checking out my writing! Below are my 5 most recent posts. You can see all of my writing over on my Personal LeasedAdSpace blog!

TitlePublication Date
An Interview with Clare Bowen Co-owner of Harmony and Trend Mailers 07-30-2018 11:07:11 AM