Leased Ad Space
1K Per Month Plan
Post Your Ad to 100 Sites FREE:
Welcome to the 1K Plan!! 
DAY #1: Watch video/Join TrafficWave
- Watch video below (If you haven’t already).
- Get TrafficWave (TW) Autoresponder: CLICK HERE.
DAY #2: Chill out! Pick Marketing Website.
- Today is your day to let the dust settle. Don’t get overwhelmed. Keep it simple!
- Optional (not for beginners): Today you will perform the task of creating a capture page in TW. Note: As a beginner you will not need to do this step. This is advanced because it will require you to make your own follow-up letters and you will need to send your subscribers to a page/blog like mine and you are probably not ready for that.
DAY #3: Joining Safelists
You will need to market your business. Join these sites and take the upgrades:
- Post your ad at these sites as often as your level will allow!
DAY #4: Get a Blog
Optional but recommended: Get a blog. You can get one for FREE. Here is a good site:
Spend a day formatting the website (as you can see, my site is incomplete [just used as a free example] and this is because I have a wordpress blog hosted with GoDaddy). You will want the following pages:
==>About me.
==>1K Per Month Marketing Plan
You will want to basically copy everything on this page only make sure the links go to your sites. This will allow you to help the people you meet (your leads collected in TrafficWave) build their business. Of course it will also allow you to duplicate your own efforts and increase your affiliate earnings in each of the programs above. You will want to reach out to your leads once per week with info on how to improve their business online and you will need to direct them to your blog.
DAY #5: Goal Setting
Beginning Goals (time to set some goals):
Ads Posted Daily – 20 (Don’t worry we will add more sites to make this happen).
Leads into TW Account Daily – 5
Broadcast Emails to List Per Week – 2
TW Sales Per Week – 1
Optional: Biz Opp Sales per Month – 2 (for people trying to build an additional business with their TW team)
Blog Posts Per Week – 3 (what do I post? We’ll get to that)
Safelists Added Per Week – 5
DAY #6: Join More Lists
- Add more mailers today:
DAY #7: Step up Your Game!
- Time to get a super tool to help automate your marketing efforts and help give you ideas for additional mailers to join:
Take your time to set this tool up properly. It will save you a ton of time and help you get out more ads.
DAY #8: Go Big. Get a Few More Great Mailers!
- Optional: Buy a Biz Opp. Why? Remember my video explaining the additional benefits of building a list? Well this is one of the benefits. Now you have a captive audience to market to. It’s GREAT that we are building our organization in TW together, but there are other ways to earn even more money online. Below you will see what I’m using and recommending. If you have your own biz opp. fine. If you don’t (or if yours sucks) buy this: JOIN EXITUS 500.
- Buy your Capture Page System for your Biz Opp: BUY CAPTURE PAGE CLICK HERE. (Scroll down pg. and click “Get Site Like This”.
- Please list your Referrer as
Ben Olszewski – 425-736-5600 – - Add more mailers today: #9: More Automation (Super Tool)- Optional: By now you are seeing that this approach to online marketing takes time. There is nothing better than automating the process. On day 8 you joined Referral Frenzy. This product works in a very similar way and targets some of the mailers not included in the Referral Frenzy Platform:
About Nick Desipris

Hi, my name is Nick Desipris. I was a person like you trying to make money from home jumping from one program to the next with the hope i will get quick money. This is not happen until i realize that i have to have a list to start with. When finally i got my list money start coming and i enjoy every minute of it. Go here and start building your list too. You wiil thank me later.