Leased Ad Space
Get the ads out the door Fast with these Submitters
Published by John Glover — 03-25-2020 09:03:03 PM has what they call 'The Colossal Blaster' that reaches 338,000 members on 8 sites that are Safelists, Traffic Exchanges and 1 massive TAE that is on OVER 1000+ other websites. It has been the best time-saver for getting ads mailed without a lot of steps to manage. Marianne Myers has done all marketers a great service with this product. well worth the money. It's like a Turbo for your marketing. No Joke!
John Glover
About John Glover

In the 2nd quarter of 2015 I read that Google reported Gross Revenues from Online Advertising of over $47 Billion. When this opportunity to be a part of a new well thought out advertising platform as a Founding Member of Leased Ad Space came my way, I didn't have to think about it twice. My advice to all Online Marketers: When opportunity knocks, open the door. This is different folks.