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Ahmed Ali
Contact Info
Skype - Ahmed Ali
Facebook - ahmedoali82
Twitter - Ahmed_O_Ali
Location - Abu Dhabi
Join Date - 2016-11-05
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About Me
Hello everyone, my name is Ahmed Ali and I'm a part-time online entrepreneur. After failing miserably during my first 7 years online, including being scammed for thousands of dollars on get rich schemes/e-books/and software‟s, I learned an important lesson summed up by this quote from Napoleon Hill the author of “The Law Of Success” and “Think & Grow Rich”;
“TRULY, "thoughts are things", and powerful things at that, when they are mixed with definiteness of purpose, persistence, and BURNING DESIRE for their translation into riches, or other material objects.”
I pressed on to crack the code of this online marketing thing. And the most important thing that I can tell you right now is “Learn how to generate targeted traffic, how to build your own list, and how to communicate properly with your subscribers in order to convert them to sales ”, because without those three components, you‟re out of the game!
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