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Wow Finally The Long Wait Is Over! Today is a Diamond Day
Published by Olaf Weiland — 12-12-2022 07:12:56 AM
I really hope that this email finds you and your family well.
Wow! The long wait is finally over and here we are today, excited for this day
to come. DHG is born to last and to help everyone.
We design the Diamond Hunting Games (DHG) having in mind the top priority
should comes first before us. These priorities are you our beloved and valued
surfers, affiliates, advertisers and our respected valued Traffic Exchange (TE)
owners. From today, together we move forward as one.
When we say beloved and valued members and partners, we mean it and it
comes from the heart. We are not fake in everything and we do what we promise
because we don't promise things that we can't do. Because we believe that our
reputations is the most important factor in our success.
You might think negative interpretations when you know that we offer $15.50
weekly prize. But I'm so sorry if I will tell you that only greedy minded people
will think it that way. Why we give less if we can give more! our members are
important to us and we mean it and that is the reason why we reward in terms
of weekly cash prizes because they deserve it.
With DHG, you are our boss and we are here to serve you better. The best way
to attest something, is real and personal experience. With that, I officailly open
our doors and welcome everyone to the new, simplified and most generous
Traffic Exchange Games ever created.
From today December 12, 2022 to January 08, 2023 11:59pm is our official
pre launching period. During this period members can hunt and collect diamonds
from our valued traffic exchange partners both Free Diamond League Members
and All Star Diamond League Member (Premium Partner) and the weekly prize will
advertising credits and impressions.
You may also lockin your position if you are planning big to grow with us by upgrading
your account to get more commissions on referral upgrades and purchases. For our
traffic exchange partner, you may lockin your position in the list of partners to be on
top as we position your traffic exchange into our list of partner accourding to joining
date. So those who take actions quicky are in the top 50.
Important note to remember, those who upgraded there account during our pre launching
will have their subscriptions ends on February 9, 2023, beause you count it from January
09, 2023. You upgrade/subscripitons during these period are automatically set to renew/
expire on Febuary 9, 2023. Don't believe if somebody will tell you that you are paying
for nothing because prizes will start on January 9, 2023. You are just paying in advance
to secure your slot and start earning commission on referrals upgrades and purcahses.
Except of course those who availed our limited slot for Lifetime Upgrade the first 10 Yearly
premium traffic exchange partner and the frist 10 surfers/advertiser member who go for
yearly upgrade will get Liftime Upgrade. Traffic Exchange owner needs only one account.
Without further a do, please click on the banner below and join the games and win $15.50
weekly cash prizes from January 9, 2023 onwards. Lockin your position today and I'm excited
to welcome you in the inside. See you there!
About Olaf Weiland

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