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In my last blog, I mentioned how crucial it is for you
to have effective marketing.
Without it, you'll find it extremely difficult to create
residual income.
Today I'll share with you a quick story about lunch
with a millionaire.
The founder of the 'free lead system' once had lunch
with a millionaire (let's call him Greg because he obviously
would rather remain private)... and while he was eating,
Greg said, "You know Michael, it only takes 2 things to
generate a lot more sales!"
Needless to say, Michael stopped chewing, put down his
fork ... quickly gulped down his food and asked ...
"What would those 2 things be?" He figured he could easily
learn 2 things.
Greg said, "You need a lot more exposure, because with all
else being equal, the more exposure you have to your product,
the more sales you'll make."
Now that's not rocket science, but I like the simplicity of it ...
More Exposure = More Sales (all things being equal).
"OK Greg ... so what's the 2nd thing required to make a lot
more sales?" Michael asked.
Greg smiled and paused ... "Well, it's really quite simple ...
so simple you don't want to miss this"...
Michael waited anxiously ... and Greg continued ...
"The more effective you are with your exposure, the more
sales you'll make (all else being equal)."
Again, Michael didn't need to be a rocket scientist to agree ...
"This makes absolute sense!"
So the 1st key to success is taking a lot more action.
(this is the same thing as 'exposure').
The 2nd key to success, is that you also must be effective
at the actions you take.
The key to making a lot more sales, is that you MUST have
a LOT more exposure, AND... you MUST be effective at it!
Look forward to my next message where I'll teach you about
the Million Dollar Billboard.
You'll need a 'vehicle' that makes good sense.
We sell. We train. You profit.
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About Pierre Patrick
Hello! I'm papierre and welcome to my site. I live in Worcester, MA with my wife and 3 great-kids who keep me busy most of the time! Imagine the freedom to work from home. No Techie Knowledge Whatsoever...