Leased Ad Space
We are in an interesting Time and Age of Technology!
I suppose hearing the name Millennium Mobile Advertising Platform may cause a curious inquiry thought within your mind. This is a whole New level of advertising, which is beneficially geared primarily to all android phone users.
This is a technology is increasing more and more in popularity with every passing day. It's actually a Proximity Beacon Transmitting your 40 character messages.This means, with these special New Never Before seen Advertising Units or Devices, you are able to transmit your messages and reach a radius of up to 492 feet in any direction. Depending on the type of Device you are using, your REACH may vary, but nevertheless, it's powerfully effective.
This Technology has elevated Mobile Marketing to another Level, which is profitable for most business folks, especially when seeing people's eyeballs focused on their cellphones everywhere...
Let's face the facts, hardly anyone reads the newspaper ads anymore, radio ads have become something almost ancient and who can properly read those billboard signs along the roadside driving so many miles an hour, risking personal danger...
So there you have it--where do you see people's eyes, ears and focus on nowadays...? Exactly... wherever you turn, in the shopping mall, in waiting rooms at the bus or train stations, you name it, at least 85% of folks eye-balls are latched unto their mobile phones...
And what's so cool and personally entertaining, is when you're close enough to them with your Transmitting Device attached to your wrist or key-holder, you can literally glance from the corner of your eye and see your 40 character message popping-up on their phones, without they even having a clue from where that message is suddenly appearing on their mobile device?
Are you already in possession of any of these Devices? If not, what are you waiting for? Hurry on here for more details.
Should you so wish, you can also read-up on more about these Devices on my Blog name "effective advertising examples"
Hopefully you look further into becoming a customer even Distributor/Associate of these Devices, which can be so much FUN having and helping you make lots of money the same time...
At your service,
Pat Rivers
Skype: patricio_2325
Netherlands Europe
About Patricio Rivers
My name is Patricio and I was born in the Caribbean on the Island of Curacao and later on in life I moved to the Netherlands. I was already captivated at an earlier stage in life by Sales and Marketing, which gave such a fulfillment of accomplishment after closing a SALE! I did Time Share Sales and was a Life Insurance Representative responsible for the day to day success of a unit sales force under my management. Then I discovered the FUN of online marketing and interacting with like-minded people, exchanging ideas on different common grounds.Writing is also part of my creativity and still looking forward to reaching my PEAK in that area!