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Phyllis Baker
Contact Info
Skype - phyllis.t.baker
Facebook - phyllis.baker.1428
Location - Umhlanga Rocks, KwaZulu-Natal SOUTH AFRICA
Join Date - 2018-04-09
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About Me
I live in a beach side village called Umhlanga Rocks on the KwaZuluNatal Coast of South Africa approx 6 hours South of Johannesburg. Passionate about helping others into my networking business and to help them grow their business.
My goal is to be an online USDollar Billionaire and to help people in my network to do the same. Specialties Investing in an emerging market I am totally addicted to internet marketing working full time from home. This defiantly beats working for others. The life style that it offers with your choice of hours, is unbeatable!! Being positive and happy with a cheeky sense of humour I have an optimistic out look on life. I love meeting people from all over the world and the internet is THE gate way.
Can you imagine what your Great Grandfather would have said, if you had of told him, that you could look at and talk to someone over the other side of the world. He would have thought you were nuts !! hehehe I'm a firm believer in the power of positive thinking and as they call it to day Attraction Marketing. Believing in your self that "you CAN do it" and never give up.
What You Can Conceive, Totally Believe, You CAN Achieve.
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