printer repair dubai

Published by Anitta Rose — 01-14-2021 02:01:32 AM

Printer is one ofthe main output device. The printer accept text and graphics fromcomputer or laptop and convert it into  digital format.  The outputof printer is high quality text and  graphics.  Printer selection isbased on major four factors such as color,resolution,speed andmemory.  With a color printer we can take color print as well asblack and white print.  The highly expensive printer providesufficient resolution and the printer resolution is measured in  dotsper inch.  Color printing is slower than black and white print.Printing can be done faster if you have more than the minimummemories.  The most expensive printer is the best in terms of speed.The cheapest printer prints  3-6 sheets per minute.  printerrepair dubai includesnumber of  Certified Technicians. They ensure fast service of yourprinters.  

About Anitta Rose


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