Daily Guide to Earn $1000 Online Without Any Startup Costs

Published by Rajesh Kotian — 02-14-2023 02:02:35 AM

So….. I want to earn $1000 online, and maybe you do as well. There are many options available to use for this target.

To show that it is possible to earn $1000 online without costing anything to start I will be providing a detailed guide and daily updates. Feel free to join in with this earning challenge at any time.

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Day 1

Starting from $0.00, the first thing I need to do is give myself a step 1 target. It is important to work on a small amount of cash flow to get the plan started – I am aiming for $10 – $20 for step 1 to get things moving.

When I want to earn a little cash flow I hit some of my most trusted free income sites. The first one that comes to mind is Timebucks. If you want to use an alternative free site or more than one, then check out my list of Free Sites That Really Pay

I will be aiming for a withdrawal of $10 – $20 by completing simple tasks on Timebucks each day. You can read about the earning tasks I will be doing here: My Blog

At the end of Day 1 I have $2.18 towards my $10 goal.

Day 2

For this plan to work properly it is VITAL to start promoting properly as well as working on the cash flow. This means building a contact list of people who are also interested in working on the plan. To do this I recommend you register on LeadsLeap and use the free tools provided to set up a capture page and email list. If you want a copy of my capture page and emails you can use the share code ftdNkXU

This is the capture page I will be using for this plan:

In addition to setting up the capture page and email list on Leadsleap I will be using the advertising on there to start promoting my capture page. Personally I have a paid account on Leadsleap so my ad will run 24/7 after adding it. You can use the advertising for free as well just by surfing for ad credits.

At the end of Day 2 I have earned $3.14 towards my goal of $10 – $20. I also have 11 people who have joined my email updates list.

Day 3

From today onward my daily routine will consist of 2 things:

  1. Earning a little money using free sites. This creates the cash flow that is needed to move to step 2 of the earning plan where earning is much higher.

  2. Promoting my capture page on traffic sites. This creates my contact list of people who are interested in following my earning plan.

The amount of promoting that I do each day will determine how fast I reach $1000. The more I promote the better this plan will work. For that reason I will be aiming to earn just $0.50 – $1 per day on Timebucks and will focus my time more on promoting my capture page.

You can promote your capture page on any traffic sites that you like to use. I will be adding my page to multiple traffic sites each day. Today I added my capture page to the following traffic sites:

Leadsleap (runs automatically)

Herculist (send email)

Website Traffic Rewards (login ad)

At the end of Day 3 I have earned $5.93 towards my goal of $10 – $20. I also have 24 people who have joined my email updates list.

Day 4

I am delighted with my progress so far. Within just a couple of days I am over halfway towards my step 1 cash goal, have a good number of new email subscribers, and have already started to get new referrals on Timebucks and Leadsleap. It is due to having referrals on Timebucks that I have earned almost $6 in a few days without having to spend much time on the site myself.

By promoting this plan consistently I will soon be earning $10+ every week on Timebucks without any personal activity required. Earning $10+ every week on Timebucks will really help me to reach $1000 a lot faster.

Today I will promote my capture page on the following traffic sites:

Leadsleap (runs automatically)

Herculist (send email)

Website Traffic Rewards (login ad)

Infinity Traffic Boost (surf ad – unlimited credits)

Apsense  (Earn daily credits – check notification)

At the end of day 4 I have earned $7.23.

Day 5

So far everything is going well with the plan. I am pretty sure that I will make it to my $10 target either today or tomorrow. As I missed the payment schedule for this week on Timebucks I won’t get it until next Thursday, which gives me another 5 days worth of earning.

Now I am close to having $10+ available it is time for me to start looking at step 2 of this plan. I have some decisions to make about how to use my initial funds to move my earning up to the $100+ level ASAP.

I will also be promoting my capture page as normal. So far I have 34 new email subscribers which has converted into multiple new referrals on Timebucks, Leadsleap, Infinity Traffic Boost, Herculist and Website Traffic Rewards.

Today I will be using the following traffic sites:

Infinity Traffic Boost (runs automatically while I have credits)

Leadsleap (runs automatically)

Herculist (send email)

Hungry for Hits (Allocated 1000 credits)

Easy Hits 4U (Allocated 600 credits)

List of good traffic sites

At the end of day 5 I have earned $10.47 on Timebucks.

Moving To Step 2 – Earn $100+

After earning $10 – $20 using the free sites option it is time to start working on step 2 of this earning plan. Basically step 2 is all about using the initial funds earned to create leverage. Being able to turn a small amount of cash into a larger amount is the key to becoming successful online.

For this part of my earning plan I aim to turn $10 into $100.

There are many options I can use to achieve this target, but I am choosing to focus on advertising this time. Advertising is one of the highest demand products online, which will make this plan work quicker than the others. You can also find advertising sites that pay high rates of commission.

This time I will be using Infinity Mailer Boost to purchase advertising with the funds earned on Timebucks. I will purchase Traffic Package Option 2 on Infinity Mailer Boost (cost $10.62 via Payeer payment) which gives me over 2000 advertising credits. This package pays 80% commission for referral purchases (as long as you have read 10 emails to activate the commission boost) which means I need just 12 sales to earn $100.

Of course the advertising credits can be used to advertise anything you want to promote. Infinity Mailer Boost is a very high quality ad site and I always get good results when I promote there.

MLM Gateway is a great platform for independent business owners and network marketers for advertising and making new contacts for any business. 


About Rajesh Kotian


Hi! Rajesh here. I sincerely hope that you are satisfied with your current business success and happy in your present situation. We all know that making money online isn't always as easy and straight-forward as the gurus would have us believe. So, if you are happy and successful more power to you. However, if you aren't happy with your current results and your income is way below what you hoped for and deserve, then I might just have the answer to your prayers. The online strategy that we use and teach, produces an stream of prospects for our business every day. Best of all, these prospects are generated totally cost free. I don't spend any money on paid ads to grow my business online. I'm involved in both affiliate marketing and network marketing business opportunities and this strategy works equally well for both marketing models. If you are curious to find out more you can hit me up on Twitter or Skype and I'll be more than happy to chat with you. Best wishes Rajesh