Team Charlie helps you get 5 free members in Adsexplosion

Published by Rajesh Kotian — 06-16-2018 12:06:37 PM

Join our international teambuild Today!  
 Are U tired of paying every month? $2 one time!
 Are U tired of earning nothing?

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Site Stats

Total Members: 343
Total Subs: 0
Total Paid: $1904.75

Get your ads exploding all over the internet. We focus on getting your banner and text ads in safelists, traffic exchanges, PTC sites, and other forms of paid advertising sites. Make MORE money in several ways From More Views Of Your Ads As Well As Click Thru To Your Opportunities as well as commissions from sharing this with others!

Even earn money referring others as a FREE member!!      

For $2.00  payment per position your advertisement is shared all across the internet. We use a combination between company forced and member forced matrix so you are rewarded for sharing this program and also exposing others to yours and others ads. This is set up so as a person joins you get paid AS THEY PURCHASE THEIR POSITION.  Introducing the Member forced TFE Bomb  here.

 Possible earning per position in each advertising level.


Level Company or member forced.
TFE Bomb Member Forced $27,783.00
Explosion Company Forced $41,107.50
Nitro Company Forced $440.00
Dynamite Member Forced $3910.00

      If you are tired of joining programs and being left alone to struggle recruiting or producing results then this is definately the program for you. We developed this matrix and system to help all levels of marketers -- with help of our experienced team leaders and coaches.



bullet              Resources to help you improve your productivity in marketing!
bullet               7 days a week support and training.
bullet               Dedicated and available admin/owner!
bullet               Designed to be long term.

Ever Been In A Matrix That Stalled?
That's NOT Going To Happen Here Because We've Taken Measures Against That!

Never work alone as long as you communicate and work with this team here at 

You will not get rich overnight but your success is important to us.



Now it's time to take the most important step and click the button below to complete the signup form. We can tell you now that we've made it very affordable for everyone that sees this offer to signup immediately without breaking the bank!

So what are you waiting for? Jump on the money train & get going now!


There's no time like the present to get started, and the sooner you do... the sooner you'll be able to promote and start making some extra money! If ever there was a good time to join a program that's really going to go places, like up through the roof like a skyrocket, then NOW is that time.

Have your bitcoin or $3.75 ready! If you need to exchange funds from another processor for  funds contact me in Skype or by email listed on Contact Page


Click the link below to get started immediately!


About Rajesh Kotian


Hi! Rajesh here. I sincerely hope that you are satisfied with your current business success and happy in your present situation. We all know that making money online isn't always as easy and straight-forward as the gurus would have us believe. So, if you are happy and successful more power to you. However, if you aren't happy with your current results and your income is way below what you hoped for and deserve, then I might just have the answer to your prayers. The online strategy that we use and teach, produces an stream of prospects for our business every day. Best of all, these prospects are generated totally cost free. I don't spend any money on paid ads to grow my business online. I'm involved in both affiliate marketing and network marketing business opportunities and this strategy works equally well for both marketing models. If you are curious to find out more you can hit me up on Twitter or Skype and I'll be more than happy to chat with you. Best wishes Rajesh