

Victor Gunnels

Contact Info

Email - vrg.soloads@gmail.com

Skype - rayvic623

Facebook - vgunnels

Twitter - vgunnels

Location - Louisville, KY

Join Date - 2016-07-14

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About Me

Hi, my name is Victor (Vic for short); I'm a Controls/Electrical Engineer by trade, for more then 45 years now, and a business owner.

I got tried of working for someone else, building their dreams and leaving mine behind. So, I started my owned company call “RCA Systems LLC”, a Controls/Electrical Engineering Integration Firm. What I soon found out was the company owned me verses I owning the company.

So, I decided to go in a difference direction, travel down a totally difference road, the road of “Internet and Network Marketing”. And it has been a fun journey so far, but I know I have a lot to learn.

As I travel down this road I thought I would share with you what I am learning. In other words as I learn my business, maybe just maybe, I can help you learn something as well. I hope the information I share with you will be helpful to you as you build your business.

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