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Hello Everybody!
My name is Ron Findley and I am brand new at this blogging thing!
I am a Husband, a Dad (7 kids) and a Brother. I reside in Maryland USA with my wife of 40 years and our 2 dogs (rescue hounds).
All our children have moved on with their lives and are, at this writing, doing well.
I am not sure what is supposed to go into a blog. Typically, I see people writing about things that they know a lot about. I know a little about many things and would not consider myself an expert on anything. Even with the number of kids we have had, I have certainly screwed up being a Dad on more than one occasion. I just made certain I was available for the important things in each of their young lives. Also changed my share of diapers, can wash a load of clothes and run a vacuum cleaner (I do dishes too).
I have been employed in the insurance industry for over 40 years and have been self employed for the last 15. It's hard work when you are your own boss. I chose to have no employees so if I don't do it It doesn't get done. And guess who doesn't get paid.
I am approaching my "retirement" age but don't ever see myself totally retired. In my current work, I drive over 50,000 miles each year and many years on the road wears you down.
I needed to find a way to bring in an income while reducing the annual mileage and the wear and tear on me.
I think a found a very profitable Plan B.
If you want see what I'm up to, check out my link here:
That's about it for the introductions!
It has been my pleasure meeting you
About Ron Findley

Hi there, I'm Ron Findley, I'm a husband, a dad, a brother and an entrepreneur. I live in the state of Maryland USA although I am originally from Virginia. All our children are now grown and have moved all over the country to start their adult lives. So, we now have 2 dogs (rescue hounds). That's another story.