

Bryan Stoker

Contact Info

Facebook - stokerfb@usa.com

Twitter - rbstoker

Location - Maryland

Join Date - 2016-04-13

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About Me

Dr. Bryan Stoker is a full-time, licensed Principal Engineer for the federal government and the Founder & President of Lifestyle Publishing. Dr. Stoker has been an avid student and practitioner of personal financial management and investing for over thirty years. Dr. Bryan Stoker launched Lifestyle Publishing in 1993 to offer unique information for personal financial management and investing. He expanded his business onto the Internet in 1996. Recently, Dr. Stoker launched a powerful new program called Lead Science for generating leads and list building. He is currently creating a new program that enables you to make money on hundreds of affiliate programs even if you don't buy or promote them. Details are available at http://autopilot101.com/leadscience/index.htm?hop=lspublish

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