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Every blade of grass has an angel that bends over it and whispers, "Grow! Grow!"
~ The Talmud
My question to you is - Who is whispering in your ear? Who encourages you and tells you to get back up again? If you don't have a cheerleader, it would behoove you to find one ASAP.
Someone who sees you for who you are and who you are becoming.
And if you cannot find someone, then become that person. If you find yourself in circumstances where you are surrounded by people who tell you that you can't, your voice must be louder than any one else's.
You must become the guardian of your spirit and the captain of your soul.
Believe it or not, it is the world's job to do two things:
1. Chew you up
2. Spit you out
No hard feelings, that's just the nature of the beast.
Your job? To be an overcomer. To be "the one that got away". To be more than a conqueror.
Are you ready? I hope so, because the PRICE is high…. but the REWARDS are great.
If you can't find a cheerleader, I may have a few ideas to help you become more of who you are. Stop by my site and allow me to get my pom poms out on your behalf.
I can help you move to new levels that will be refreshing to your soul.
Wishing You All the Best,
Coach Kim
About Kim McDaniel

I am a Wellness Enthusiast and former CPT, US Army. I believe in living well, giving well and building thriving communities based on accountability and empowerment. I have a passion for knowledge, training, education and legacy building. I love kids because I see in them a potential for GREATNESS & UNSTOPPABILITY. As a Life Coach I am always seeking to re-connect adults with that same reality... "All things are Possible".