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Rougie George
Contact Info
Skype - Rougie George
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Twitter - rlgeorgeinterna
Location - Kansas
Join Date - 2016-07-31
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About Me
I was born in Louisiana a lovely place to live, like one of my favorite people Justin Wilson used to say "God was happy the day he made Louisiana".
As a young adult, I moved to Dallas ,Tx. where I lived most of my life.
I have many interests in life, I find that there is so much to explore,to learn. I enjoy yoga,reading,nature alternative paths to health and organic gardening. But I have an absolute passion for internet marketing.
I have been marketing online several years and have studied with some of the best internet pioneers such as Cory Rudl and Jim Daniels.
Been a part of some great programs and some not so much. As with anything else trial and error. However, learn from errors makes it only a lesson. It fascinates me every day the opportunity we have to actually meet people we never dreamt was possible to meet from around the world because of the net.
My joy in life is to "become'' and help.
With the far reach of the Worldwide Web it is possible to grow an income to last a lifetime for us and generations to come.
Thank you for visiting my profile page, while you're here check out some of my other programs,
Thank You!
"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no help at all." --Dale Carnegie
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