Leased Ad Space

Robert Williams
Contact Info
Skype - livingdreams2day
Facebook - robertwms
Twitter - robertwms
Location - Virginia - USA
Join Date - 2016-08-11
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About Me
Welcome to LeasedAdSpace. My name is Robert Williams. I help struggling marketers that are truly serious and passionate to have financial freedom. I am Founder and creator of REW Prosperity Marketing. I Specialize in List Building and Relationship Marketing to grow my business and income.
I am passionate about helping my fellow marketers because I understand and have experienced for many years the frustration and being overwhelmed that many marketers experience then give-up because marketing is not working for them.
You know when I first started trying to do business online I had about the worst situation you could imagine being in.
I did have a job but I was living from pay-check to pay-check and barely had money to advertise my online business and cover my bills at home.
I was married to an alcoholic who was abusive and violent. She was an unfit mother that neglected our 10 month old son and did stupid things like driving around drunk with our son in the car while I was at work… not changing diapers… not tending to her needs.
And I’d come home, exhausted from working 10 or 12 hours to be attacked both verbally and physically by a blacked-out drunk.
I was broke, abused and overwhelmed, completely trapped in terms of time and money.
That was WHY I made the decision to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
… because it was so bad, that I just couldn’t tolerate it any more.
Who knows? Maybe if my home life had been like the Brady Bunch or Happy Days I’d still be working over-time and barely scraping by.
The point is, one way or another, you have to get yourself to the point where you make that DECISION.
And that DECISION is what makes things happen.
A real decision cuts off all other possibilities.
It ignores any possibility of failure (there really isn’t any such thing as “failure” anyway).
I am passionate and love to work with you so you can avoid or eliminate any similar situations that I have experienced. Go now and click on one of my favorite programs to the left of my About Me to join me. You WILL not regret your new found Financial Freedom!
God Bless!
Robert Williams
StL (Success to Life) :-)
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