Why You should use Automated SMS Text Marketing in Your Business.

Published by Rob Tinsley — 04-12-2022 04:04:47 AM

This is By Far the Simplest Way On Earth To Get New Leads Coming To You Daily, On Autopilot!

There's Power In Handing Out A Phone Number

Your time is valuable. The last thing you want to do is waste it on someone who's unqualified to buy and/or uninterested in what you have to offer.

Prequalify Your Prospect Quickly. I'd much rather spend my day, prequalifying folks, so that I spent my time talking too folks who have genuine interest in my products and services, etc. v/s cold calling strangers or DMing strangers on "The Book Of Faces" for 10-12 hours a day.

Let the phone number sift and sort for you. so you're not sucked into an endless pit of conversations that lead to talking about the weather!

Quickly Determine if the Prospect can follow Instuctions. It's a huge 'pet peeve' for a lot of folks, so wouldn't it be great if you can find out in advance, if a person was willing and able to follow your set of instructions?

Engage prospects where they're already comfortable being... on their PHONES! Did you know the average 'screen time' per day, across most demographics, is 3 hours and 43 minutes! Your future customers are on their phone. Should you be there too?

Cold calling leads is a complete waste of time!

Hitting up strangers is a complete energy suck!

Getting hit constantly with NO is discouraging!

So why put yourself through that torture of repeated rejection?

Why not set up a new "Inbound Lead System"
using automation?


                Share an automated SMS # Let the system do the 'telling and selling' for you, so you don't have too!

About Rob Tinsley


👋🏽 Hey Rob here former homeless veteran, After having depression and alcohol issues i found the "Make Money Online" industry now i look to share and show how the MMO world can be just as life changing for you as it has been for me.