List building starter kit

Published by Robert Belec — 01-18-2017 07:01:57 AM

Traffic exchanges, coops, safelists, text ad exchanges... there are so many ways to promote your online business.

But how will you know what works?

That is where tracking comes in, and I have found an easy way to track my advertising. I use the trackers here.

They automatically let me know how many hits I have had at each traffic source, and with a little extra effort I can track clicks or signups as well.

How does it work?

You start by creating a tracker link, which links to your website url.

Then you use that tracker link instead of our website url in your traffic exchanges, safelists, etc.

You can even add that tracker to a rotator for use in all your traffic exchanges. This means that you can set up, monitor and change your promotions at any time from inside the tracker site. No more logging in at dozens of exchanges when you want to change your promotions.

My tracker even has a rotator for my banners.

I highly recommend it!

About Robert Belec


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