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Part 3 - The Top-10 Ways to Make Money with Your List…
Published by Gisela Beckermann — 05-23-2017 10:05:52 PM
7. Survey your list (i.e. ask them what they want from you!)
Now, you might then ask, "Well, how do I know what they want?" And the answer is very simple—YOU SHOULD ASK THEM.
The best thing you can do is to do a quick survey. You can go to a site like, there are lots of sites like this that allow you to conduct surveys. These sites allow you to do a free survey where you can ask them a bunch of questions. You send your new survey out to your list.
Ask what they actually want to learn. Ask them what they actually want to buy—and why they felt compelled to give you their email address.
You’ll quickly discover why they originally joined your list, and then you can branch out with more questions about that topic to see what they actually want to learn.
8. Make offers to your list (this is the whole point in having a list!)
You're Here To Run A Profitable Business, And You Must Never Be Afraid To Make Offers And Ask For The Sale!)
Be relentless in promoting offers.
You should promote an offer in just about every single email you do. Now, that doesn't mean you're just saying buy this, buy this, buy this, because you will burn out your list very quickly.
You still want to be interesting, you still want to be engaging, you still want to educate them, but you have to be making an offer in just about every single email. You will notice in my marketing I'm always making an offer. Sometimes it's a very obvious offer, and sometimes it's very subtle.
For example, every few videos I might promote one of my products or services, or live event, and somewhere below this video right now there should be a banner ad for one of my products.
So even though that's a very subtle offer, I'm always putting some kind of offer in front of my market, my list. So you want to make sure that you are doing that.
9. Copywriting skills: Never stop improving them.
You should really work at improving your copy writing skills—it's a very important skill to master. Copy is the ultimate leverage point.
The ability to put words on a page and influence the masses to do what you want, is one of the most powerful and profitable skills you can posses. Some people pick it up really quickly, and others can take years to get good at it. But it's something worth studying and practicing.
When you are writing an email, make sure to encourage responsiveness. Send them an occasional email where you say, "If you have any questions about this get back to me."
Ask them actually reply to the email or contact you on Facebook. That way, you are actually responding to them after they raised their hand and submitted their email to you.
It might sound surprising, but responding and following up with prospects is VERY RARE in this Industry. So the moment you respond to them, you suddenly become a real person in their eyes. They feel a little connection with you. They become more responsive as leads and as buyers. So keep on writing to them.
10. Make offers to different marketing channels (that you introduce through your emails)
Again, your success in marketing is all about making offers…
Use different channels. So sometimes you might do a webinar, bring them to a webinar, teach them something on a webinar, make an offer at the end.
If you've never done a webinar before that probably sounds hard. But it's as simple as going to and use the system for your webinars.
Another channel: Bring them to a Facebook group you have, engage them on Facebook, and make an offer there as well. So have these different channels, and again just be relentless in marketing to them.
You should develop several main marketing channels over time, and again just be relentless in marketing and following up. It's what separates the people in this game who can extra $2 of value out of every $1 click they buy, from the majority who can't even get $0.20 out of the same traffic.
It's all about persistence in the follow up. Always be putting an offer in front of them or some piece of content so that you're relevant, you're in their life, and when they're ready to buy, you're right there in front of them.
So there you go. I hope these top-10 ways to start making money with your list right now... actually help you make more money with your list.
AND—If you want to cut your learning curve even faster, you should check out this new incredible opportunity…
If you want to cut your learning curve and start making money as soon as today, I have an even better option for you…
About Gisela Beckermann
Hello, my name is Gisela Beckermann and I have been in Internet Marketing for 5 years. After 30+ years in the International Logistics Industry, I retired from my Corporate Career and enjoy working with other Internet Marketers from around the world. I am happily married for the past 26 years and grateful to have a wonderful life. I love traveling and meeting people from around the world. This is what I enjoy about IM Marketing, connecting and making new friends. My family and friends call me GILA. I can't wait to learn more about you. Need help with your business? Let me promote for you! You can contact me via Skype: gilaworld