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Welcome to my UpCrowdMe review.
So you were introduced to this whole deal and something didn’t seem right.
You probably thought scam or you’re wondering how and if it even works.
There are so many questions without any answers and that’s usually what you get with something like this.
All you get is…
“Make thousands of dollars a month”
“Change the world with a $5 donation”
How in the world is a make money online program affiliated with saving the world?
What in the world is really going on here and can this really make me money…legitimately?
I have seen way too many of these programs in the past and even here recently.
I did a review on Friends Funding Friends as well as Impact 101, which are two other crowd funding programs that seem to be hot right now.
UpCrowdMe is no different but requires the same explanation.
I’m going to do exactly that, so you can see if this is really a program that works and/or one that you should get involved with.
Below you will see a quick overview of things, just in case you don’t want to hear everything I have to say.
I like to call it the nutshell version as it gets straight to the point without boring you to death.
So without further ado, let’s see what UpCrowdMe is all about.
UpCrowdMe Review – Product Overview
1 Summary
Name: UpCrowdMe
Type of Business: Recruiting
Price: $5 +
Overall Rating: 5/5 stars
UpCrowdMe is nothing more than a peer to peer donation platform {CROWDFUNDING SITE} that requires you to RECRUIT others using they Facebook , Pinterest, Linkedin software in order for you to make ANY money. I recommend UpCrowdMe or any other crowdfunding program that claims to make you money simply to implement a Crowdfunding .
Click Here to See What I Recommend
What is UpCrowdMe?
UpCrowdMe is a peer to peer donations type program that allows you to make money from others that donate to you.
Now in an actual crowd funding situation, you typically have a business or cause that you are going to raise money for.
With sites like UpCrowdMe, it’s solely for you and every other member to make money, which then turns into donating to each other.
There is actual product associated with this which is a software. You can download they software after you made your donation to another member who introduced you to they site.
And there is a great support , and a 24/7 Live support chat in the members area and they explain everything how it all works.
How it Works
To get started with UpCrowdMe it’s going to be really simple.
Once you have gone over all the marketing on their site, you will come across a from that looks like the image to the right.
It asks for some very basic information and there are no strict guidelines whatsoever.
I was able to join using some basic information and was approved without any issues.
Once you get in, you will see a very basic back office as there is no real serious technology going on .
What you have here is strictly a recruiting based program that allows you to donate to others and receive donations as well.The UpCrowdMe Facebook Software and News
The Price
To be able to start recruiting others, you will need to donate $5 to the person who introduced you to this scheme in the first place.
And that is also when you get access to they software .
You can tell this is happening simply because it is going into someone else’s PayPal account and being sent to that specific person.
Final Verdict: Recommended
I don’t care how desperate you get in order to make money, You can definietly start do it with this one.
With the thousands upon thousands of programs out there, why settle for this one?
UpCrowdMe is going to work for a simple reason,you get lots of requests to join by the software they give you..
Go download the software and pay the $5 to the person who introduced this to you. You will start getting people asking for your link to join for a very smal amount of donation to start.
About Roland Medve
Thanks for visiting my profile, I am a 43 year old, energetic Hungarian that just loves life to the max. I have been in the Network Marketing Industry for about 6 years now and I have loved every minute. I now live the dream out here in Edinburgh, Scotland and I spent my days showing other entrepreneurs how they can do the same. I don't need to worry about going to work for someone else ever again and I still earn much more then I did when I was working for a corporation. I fell in love with the idea of being one's own boss As in my other business experiences I've discovered the secrets to making money on the Internet and enjoy sharing it with my friends. I truly look forward to getting to know you and building a relationship where you are able to get to know, like and trust me and ask me anything that I may help you with. Feel Free to Contact Me Any time ==>>