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Hi there I am Jerome and I want you to let know that as I introduce myself to you, I want you to know that
I am just like you. I am a cigarette smoker just like you. It was so cool to smoke when I started blowing a cloud.
So many years ago that I started smoking them things little did I know that they were selling me a drug that I
would get hooked on. Talking to a friend that quit before me laughed, then said that he was paying to kill himself.
He said look on the side of the pack. Did you ever really read what was written on the side of the pack, ask your self.
If you did and you are still smoking well you are hooked just like me. Now the real reason I am he is to tell you how
I Quit cold turkey.
I started smoking cigs back in the seventies buy the pack, some people buy them but the cartons and still do till this day. I
could never buy a carton, cause that was to many for me to have at one time, even thou I could save a dollar or
two. I started smoking them Kool's with that strong menthol, gotta have that menthol. Blowing Cloud's, yes smoking cigarette,s.
Save me a drag man, remember that, smoking off some one's nasty stinking cigarette. I did it, I guess that was how bad we wanted, are needed to smoke. Which one don't answer.
Thru out the years of smoking I like you have try to quit. I remember the first time I tried to quit. I went to a stop smoking clinic to see what kind of program they had. They would put you into a phone booth type box and have you smoke cigarette after cigarette to the filter with the door closed until you smoked a pack. After that they would hook you up to a device than would stick the s..t out of you if you got the urge to smoke. That would only cost $395 for one day. I quit on my own for about 4 day's. They have all kind's of things to help you quit like patches, gum drugs costing you more money..
I smoked over 40 years and I calculated how many I smoked and how much I spent.
365 day multiplied by a pack a day for 40 years equaled 292,000 cigarette's at an average of $5 per pack, I spent over $73,000 doing it. That"s a pretty expensive habit. I could use a little bit of that money right now.
I plan to get some of it back using this click here
Now to tell you how I quit cold turkey. My New Years resolution for 2017 was to quit smoking. On New Years eve I went out to buy two loosies, that is two cigarette's for those who don't know. I'm out a little bit and smoked one of the stogie's and I also went to church. On New Years day I jumped into my taxi to go to work, after riding for a little I noticed out of the side of my eye a cigarette in the passenger's seat looking at me. I said to myself Damn a cigarette. I looked at it the cigarette looked back at me for a couple hour's. I got weak and lite it up and as I looked up their was a guy in my rear view mirror that said to me I thought you quit. I through it out of the window after a couple puffs. Later on that day as I was taking a passenger to work, I told him that I quit the dude left 2 cigarette's in my tray. As you can tell I had already told myself another lie. I smoked those 2 also. I made it thru the day without smoking another. The very next day I made it up to about 3:00 before I tried another, that same guy was in my rear view window again and he said to me when are you gonna stop lying to yourself Fool. I thru it away and have not smoked since.
The bottom line is I made my mine up to quit and I did.
Jerome Williams
skype j.williams57
About Jerome Williams

I'm Jerome.I make a great living as a taxi cab driver during the day. But at night , I make a great income driving traffic to sites on the internet. I can show you exactly what I am doing. If you are coachable , sick and tired of being sick and tired, we can help.