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LAS Blogs: Ross Hazelhurst
About Ross Hazelhurst

Hey there, My name is Ross Hazelhurst Thanks for visiting my personal profile page. I am basically a 33 year old father of 2 beautiful children Sonny and Leah and my girlfriend Sarah all live in Yorkshire, England in the UK. I have worked online for around 5 years now and honestly up until now, i went from business to business trying to earn enough money to provide for my family like most people do, but then I kept getting stuck in the old ways of growing my business like holding lengthy 1 on 1's, home meetings and travelling miles for meetings etc.... until someone introduced me to digital marketing and automation. I now literally could not live without it! Anyone can do this, it's just so simple. If you can operate a smart phone or computer then you can work online it's as simple as that folks. So just to let you know I am here to help and you can get intouch with me anytime by phone, skype, email etc whichever works best for you!.... Remember, if you don’t have a business, I can show you how to start and grow a thriving online business where people chase you down every single day when you use our proven online system! Speak Soon, Ross phone - +447590255784 email - skype - ross.hazelhurst
Why Choose a Mentor?
Published on 05-07-2017 02:05:03 PM by Ross Hazelhurst
Hey there, it's Ross here,
Just a thought on why picking a mentor is key...
I always always use this example:
Two guys go too the gym, now exercise plans are widely available right all over the internet. One guy goes in there self taught
... (continue reading →)It's a mentality Thing!
Published on 04-19-2017 05:04:39 PM by Ross Hazelhurst
Hey, ross here,
When you reach a state in your life where the 'lack mentality' doesn't exist, things become clearer and you can work a whole lot easier each day towards the goals you wish to achieve.
Did you know there are over 200,000
... (continue reading →)“Get a real JOB!”....”It’s a SCAM!” (blah blah blah)
Published on 04-12-2017 01:04:41 PM by Ross Hazelhurst
Hey There,
Ross here,
The transcript below is probably something we all have or still are going through at some point in our marketing lives;
Them -"What do you do?"
Me - "I am an online
... (continue reading →)A Little Self Confidence!
Published on 04-08-2017 03:04:22 PM by Ross Hazelhurst
Hi its ross again!
Today i’m going to talk about self confidence.
In life, and business, its all about having a formula. A winning formula. A formula that starts with you and your inner self.
You see when we embark and
... (continue reading →)An Automated System!
Published on 04-01-2017 06:04:08 PM by Ross Hazelhurst
I just wanted to say something that most people do not think about when they get started online.
You get into a business and HAVE to work it. If not then your not going to get anywhere! But there is one thing even better....
Automating your
... (continue reading →)TAKE ACTION! If you wanna take control!
Published on 03-21-2017 07:03:31 PM by Ross Hazelhurst
Hey guys,
Conor Mcgregor walked past me today!!
This was a major shock....
I was out shopping with my family and he was there literally a metre from me looking directly at me...
What did I do? I carried on walking DOH!!
... (continue reading →)