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Are you broke? Or are you rich?
Anyone who is broke can agree that it is so hard to be broke. Believe me, I have been there for a large part of my life..
Many years I have also tried hard to get rich. I can't say that I have managed to become rich yet, but my hard work is
slowly starting to pay off.
So, which of the "hards" is more enjoyable? Hard to be broke or hard to get rich?
If there is someone there who says that the "hard to be broke" is something they are satisfied with, then they
probably aren't broke after all. Because it is FAR more rewarding to try 100% to become rich, even though it is equally hard
If you are broke and don't do anything to change that, then you WILL stay broke
If you really want to be rich, it is hard work but VERY rewarding in the end!
Only a lottery can make you rich over night, but the chances are extremely small
Hard work will make you rich..
Choose your hard..
I did..
About Roy Smeds

I have been in Internet-/Network Marketing for a couple of years. I am mainly focusing on the products of GVO, as it is much more efficient to focus all efforts on one payout system.