

Sara Tro

Contact Info

Facebook - TreasureOrbit

Twitter - TreasureOrbit

Location - Dubai, UAE

Join Date - 2025-02-06

My Rank

Free Member



About Me

My name is Sara, and I am working as a marketing manager at Treasure Orbit. In my 6 years in the company, I managed all the distribution tasks with my strong team. We ensure we understand customers carefully and resolve their queries on time. Once we receive a bulk order of your Mars chocolate, we bring your products directly from FMCG manufacturers and transport them to your safe with the highest precision. At Treasure Orbit, we are known for fast and efficient Mars chocolate supplier services. We aim to help online retailers, supermarkets, and local retailers to order their FMCG products in bulk in a cost-effective approach. Explore our range of products now!

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