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Brian here
I just wanted to talk about the Broke Mans Plan. The Broke Mans Plan is a way of making an impact online to make money if you really don't have any money. So the idea is that you put a little aside each week, whatever you can afford and buy some revenue sharing advertising.
The adversting starts at Five Dollars $5 per adpack. The 5 dollard addpacks max oput at 100. I use My Paying Ads to promote my business on their platform but also I am get a share of the companies revenue stream.
You keep working your way up each week. Keeping buying adpacks/Adverstising until you reach a point where you can start to withdraw money to purchase some traffic from the internet via a SOLO AD to send people to your ONLINE BUSINESS oppportunity that you are promoting.
I use MLM leads to purchase a traffic package.
I also use a marketing System to market my business opportunity. That marketing sysytem is called POWER LEAD SYSTEM..
The POWER LEAD SYSYTEM is the marketing arm and you can make lead capture pages for the business that you are promoting. So All three phases of this blueprint has money making streams. MLM Leads is an affliliate company and you make some revenue if you refer people to them. The Power Lead sysaytem also has a affiliate program where you make commissions off people who you refer.
Lastly you obviously will make money from the business opportunity that you are promoting. So thats Three 3 revenue sorces of income. So its a win win for you As with any business opportunity whatever it may be you need to get as many people to see it as you can.
The more people see it the more succesfull you will be.It's just a numbers game. more people = more money. Simple
About Brian Scarce

Hi my name is Brian Scarce and I have been marketing online for 7 years. I have a few online businesses that I am passionate about including MOBE, PURE PROFIT PRO, FIREFAN SPORTS & FUTURENET. I have experience in many areas of Online Internet Marketing including, Video Marketing, Facebook Ads, SEO, PPC, Wordpress self hosted Sites and more...