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Hi Brian here
How can you put a price on your freedom??
I want to tell you what happened today that made me really mad. I was at my bucket job and I asked for some time off as my boys are going on school vacation/holidays soon.
I asked my supervisor for only three days off around this time. He blatently refused my request and gave some bullshit reason. This is the kind of stuff that most of us have to put up with.
By that I mean other people deciding when and where you can take breaks and or holidays. This really anoys the hell out of me. Who are they to decide my life and what I do.
That is why I am striving to quit my job and run a business online that will alow me to quit my job and work from home replacing my income from my business
No one telling me when and what I can do. The mentality of people just really astounds me. As if my supervisor has a stake in that company!! I think not. He is only making the shareholders rich. Certainely not him and definately not me
So I can not really understand. The time will come when I can decided for myself where and when I do things and not have to answer to anyone....oh sorry...except my wife!!! we all know this feeling right fellas
So if you are like me and want to change your life please take a look at a solution that mighht suit this situation
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About Brian Scarce

Hi my name is Brian Scarce and I have been marketing online for 7 years. I have a few online businesses that I am passionate about including MOBE, PURE PROFIT PRO, FIREFAN SPORTS & FUTURENET. I have experience in many areas of Online Internet Marketing including, Video Marketing, Facebook Ads, SEO, PPC, Wordpress self hosted Sites and more...